AndrewT R.I.P.

Should that we all leave such fondly held memories and now-lasting opinions behind. But I also wonder … what will happen when his account inactivity, the DIY forum's eventual - and likely - migration to a “new platform” does to erase the comments. Indeed: I've already had most of mine from the 1990s, back in the BBS Era, removed, expunged, gone. I guess perhaps it doesn't matter in the end. Visiting 300+ year old graves in Old Boston, I was struck by the fact that no, except for perhaps a pithy one-liner or so, it simply isn't reasonable to expect immortality of one's life's contributions. Kind of poetic, that.

RIP Andrew.
Maybe now you'll have time to think on a Different Plane.
Joined 2009
Paid Member
Wow. That's a shock! I did wonder why he was so quiet lately. Now we know...

He and I have had quite a few discussions in various threads over the years. While we didn't always agree - otherwise, what's the point of having a discussion - we were usually able to see things from the other person's viewpoint and move forward together. I'll miss those discussions.

Now, who's going to tell us to reduce the loop area on connections to RCA connectors and that the power supply wiring must be braided? :)

RIP Andrew. You'll be missed.

So sorry to hear this. Andrew gave me some help with an isolation transfomer design in November. I was just getting ready to give him the results. He and I did a long look at transformer instantaneous currents. He came up with the concept that transformers need three waveform periods to charge the core. If Andrew said it good enough for me ( 60 mS 50 Hz ). It was very unusual for Andrew to be so adamant, one takes notice if so. We often crossed swords which I never felt to be personal. Just he liked to state the most usable facts. I remember him saying his house was three phase wired. He had to be a friend after that. I will sadly miss him. He was the one who wouldn't lie. Where do you find someone like that these days? I lost my brother some years ago. Very similar people.

My first crossed swords was me saying 440VAC should be considered the higher 3 phase voltage. I said it was so when in the past 240VAC single phase which isn't right. It is sort of right if taking 253VAC as allowed single phase. We were both right, Andrew was more accurate. 230V is more or less 400V three phase ( 398.37, based on root 3 ). Without Andrew here I will slip back into my bad ways no doubt.

I seem to remember Andrew was a civil engineer in the past. I bet what he built will stand a long time.
In my years of lurking and more recently, contributing, AndrewT has been a constant wealth of knowledge. His posts always had an air to them of a professor glancing at your work over your shoulder, effortlessly telling you what's wrong, and then pointing you in the right direction. His presence will be greatly missed.