Any Diyers in South Florida?

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Joined 2008
Paid Member
You're killin' me here LOL I was enjoying what little time I got to spend with you guys. It was an experience meeting you and seeing all of your systems. I was hoping to meet some DIY guys here as well but so far its kinda dead. Saw the response to this thread so figured I would chime in. Been building the bench seating for an entire restaurant here lately for my work. It turned out pretty decent considering it was all just white pine 2x6's and plywood LOL. Just got some more trim pieces to finish and install and then onto the next project. Seeing some of the wicked cool speaker designs around here makes me inspired to start building something cool. Finally got the VMC setup and making parts again. Hope you guys are well. Here are some pics of the bench seats I know not speaker/stereo related but kinda cool nonetheless.... Peace my friend.


P.S. Who was the girl with the amazing sexy voice you always played on your system when I was over there I cannot remember her name so I can go get some of her music?

Hmmmm, I play a LOT of female vocals, so it could have been Dido, "White Flag" or Fergie, "Big girls don't cry". I answered those 2 because I use them for demos a lot. I would say the region I live in is very unique for it's vast collection of hobbyist/professionals associated with audio, and they are big time enthusiasts for "audio gatherings" I joke around a lot by saying that I was hosting a bbq bash, and an audio show broke out :)

p.s. our newest member lives just this side of Nashville, and has already encountered a few members of our group. He said he used to live in Indianapolis, but they did not have anywhere near the extent of activity or the knowledge base that our group has.
Joined 2008
Paid Member

I like Dido but this was much more jazzy and bluesy. She had an incredible voice. Wish I could remember her name. She was blonde aah whatever. Nice to hear from you my friend.


Stacy Ferguson has blonde hair ! Oh well, I am sorry my friend, that I can not remember what I played for you.

By the way, it was suggested that you follow the Central Florida Audio Society,
for possible group gatherings and activities.
I posted this here when we first moved back and got almost no response. Still living here and enjoying the beautiful area. Have not done a lot with the DIY due to moving our stuff in and finding work and just getting settled in. Now working in a good job and things are back to normal and have been looking to get into some kind of speaker build again. Our new house is much more useful for a quality system than our old house so want to get something going. Been looking at custom build tube amps and kits also. Still open to meeting locals for chatting about speaker builds and whatnot. Just gimme a shout!!


Hi Pete, good to hear your settle down and have a good job! What kind of speakers are you looking to build?
I'm down for a meet if we can get some folks together.
I will share some of my current setup soon.

Sounds great man!

Hi Pete, good to hear your settle down and have a good job! What kind of speakers are you looking to build?
I'm down for a meet if we can get some folks together.
I will share some of my current setup soon.


I look forward to meeting you and getting the chance to see your new system. As far as what I want to build. Well that is a really tough question. Initially I was totally sold on some of the custom built back loaded horn speakers with either Markaudio or fostex drivers but after speaking with some other guys they said they sound kinda shouty if not built right. I am a professional woodworker of almost 25 years now so I am excited about the prospect of building a custom speaker enclosure for my home system. I am also looking into a custom subwoofer build as my M&K sub plate amp died and I miss having that low end. A lot of the custom subs these guys are making are monstrous builds and even built for outdoor performances so I don't really need that much bass. The 125 amp and 12 inch sub I had here was almost enough. Would love to build a good design sub with a quality 12 or 15 inch sub and make it my way ;)

I also dabble in electronics and am very interested in doing a pair of mono tube amps for my bedroom system. Open to suggestions on ideas from the more experienced guys like yourself. I am very into what it LOOKS like as well as what it sounds like. I try to design my work to appear elegant and unique and this place has lots of that around.

If you ever want to get together just PM me and we will make it happen. I work a normal work week so anytime typical folks are off I should be.

I will post some photos of my work but it is not audio related sadly I make parts for custom turbo cars and precision air rifles. I also do a lot of woodworking projects. Will try to post some things here..


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I'm in Miami Lakes. Transplant from Texas and KY. I'd meet up as well. Don't really have a setup as well but I have just ordered my first Elekit and I'm in to fixing cars.

Oh and you mentioned Fostex. I'm running some 206en (just ordered the planethifi version) in the Fostex enclosure. Not the best enclosure but until I get a house and a table saw it will do.
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