Audio/Video Auto Switch

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Audio/Video Auto Switch

I recently built this widget for my parents. Their TV set has only one audio/video input and they have two video sources, a VCR and DVD player. The VCR has two inputs, but using the DVD player involved switching both the VCR and DVD player on and selecting the proper input on the VCR and TV set. I thought it made sense, but they had trouble with it. I designed and constructed this audio/video auto switch to make the switching more automated. The video B input detects the voltage from the video output of the DVD player and connects the DVD player (video B) to the TV set (video COM). When the DVD player is switched off, the VCR is connected to the TV set (video A). If anyone finds this useful, please let me know. Also, I thought of designing a printed circuit board and fitting it into a standard enclosure. Would anyone be interested in purchasing the bare PCB, Assembled PCB, and/or complete assembly?

- Richard


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I have completed a PCB layout for this project. There were some changes to the schematic to include control in and out. The layout is different from the prototype and should fit into a Pac-Tec enclosure with holes added to the front and back panels. I will be ordering PCB's soon. Is there any interest?

- Richard


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Thank you for your interest.

The schematic matches the first hand-wired working prototype. I have added some features which are in the PCB layout, but not tested yet. I added an optional control in and out and another relay to keep a 75 ohm load on the un-connected video source. I will post the schematic in the next few days.

Best regards,

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