Broken Big Screen Repair -- Need Help

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A cup was thrown and hit the 52" big screen cover (which seems to be plexiglas). It now has a baseball size hole and several spider cracks. The TV itself still works and you can see the picture. Just has the hole and the cracks. Any suggestions on DIY repair would be appreciated.

I called a glass company about replacement plexiglass already. Quoted $105.00 for 1/8" clear plexiglass.

Thanks Ya'll

P.S. My DH didn't see it before I left this morning, so please answer SOONEST as I may need a new home by the time I leave work today!
So it's a CRT based 61" set, with a DVI input..and a protective cover over the main frenel and lenticular lenses.

What I was trying to ascertain, was that the inner lens system ( the lenticular and the frenel lenses) are both intact. I needed to find out what KIND of projection type it is, to do that.

Since it has the actual lenses in fine shape (if there are no cuts or scars where the 'hole' is in the PROTECTIVE cover) then the protective cover itself can be removed and the unit can be used without the 'protective' cover..and will actually....look better than it ever has!

Just don't throw things anymore. That exact aspect ended a friend's relationship. (She clipped him in the head with a mug. So he held her down and bled all over her, before he went to the hospital to get stitched up. Just to make the point, that there was no need for such behaviour. He's never harmed a soul in his life.) It's called controlling your temper by growing up. etc. :p

251188 (Screen Shield)

This is the part you need to replace, if you want to replace it at all. Personally, I would asked to have bought the TV without the protective screen. In your case, it worked out alright having it there... as the inner two screens are about $700-900. The outer protective one, is likely about $300, max.

If it is like the rest of us, it is merely your upbringing environment showing through. I'm not ragging on you, we all have our issues.

You are exactly right about it being the Screen Shield only that needs replacing. Part #251188. I am having a lot of difficulty finding this replacement part, even through the RCA manufacturer.

A video technician has suggested I purchase non-reflective plexiglass at Home Depot and attempt to replace it myself. As long as I'm careful not to scratch the inner screen, this should be a doable fix.

As for my outburst of anger, you are exactly right about that, too. It brought God no Glory whatsoever, and tarnished my Christian walk and witness. I have confessed my sinful behavior, asked God's forgiveness (which I am assured of), have apologized to my DH, and have a fortified, new resolve to refrain from such behavior in the future, all through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, eversomuch, for holding me accountable to my Christian walk. If I can ever be of service to you, just let me know.

"Forever In His Service"

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