Bulb not lighting up

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I have a 400W Ushio retrofit bulb with a sodium ballast and capacitor and ignitor. I have been using it for about 4 months and its been working fine. Yesterday it stopped working, sorta. The bulb lights up just barely and doesnt go bright at all. Usually u get the reaction in the bulb and it sort of explodes and slowly starts brithening up but its not doing that. The ballast turns on and hums a bit but usually its louder than what it is now. I personally think it might be the ignitor thats not working properly or the bulb but i have no clue. Can anyone help me?
so i guess its not an isolated incident... It must have happened to other people too but no one seems to want to check these forums lately... :( Mine actually started working for 2 days now and that was after 5 days of not working but now its not working again. I think its the ignitor kuz it just seems like its not firing up but its got power going to it fine.....
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