Burning Amp 2017 Volunteer Team Assignments

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The main Burning Amp 2017 thread can be found HERE.

We need volunteers who are willing to organize and run aspects of Burning Amp 2017 to come forward. Please PM myself or Mark Cronander (Variac) if you can serve in this capacity. Most of these tasks will only require a couple of hours of your time. Please consider being part of the team!

Mark Cronander and I both have experience running the event, and we can mentor and advise a small group of people on how to make it a success from start to finish. All you have to do is commit to a PART of the duties and work with the other organizers to make the day run smoothly. If you can do one or more of these tasks please contact us immediately to join the BA2017 volunteer group and make Burning Amp 2017 a success!


Table and Room Setup: make sure that tables and chairs in rooms are set up according to the supplied floorplan. Organize volunteer group to help you do this. Doesn't need much organizing , mainly be at event at 8am or earlier. We have diagrams to show the setup
1. HeyBill
2. Swammonland
3. nikon f (Cary)
4. Tom V

Table and Room Takedown: after the show, make sure tables are broken down and chairs are put back into racks. Doesn't need much organizing, just people to stick around and stack the chairs and tables in the demo rooms. I am sure some people who are still around at the time will help with this, but it's good to get a couple of individuals who will commit to staying to end of event and a bit later, until these tasks are completed.
1. HeyBill
2. Swammonland

Lunch coordinator: The day of the event, set up 4-5 tables for buffet style service in the Firehouse. Make sure there are a number of garbage bins available and that they do not overfill during lunchtime. Make sure caterer arrives on time, finds the lunch spot, and sets up for service. Check that people lining up for lunch actually paid for it, and sell them tickets if they have not.
1. Captain Grogg
2. friends of Captain Grogg, to be named later

Snack coordinator: put out breakfast items in the morning : Bagels, muffins, coffee, juice, water. Put out snack foods and water/soda in the afternoon into early evening. Purchase items (probably at Costco) before the show, bring them, set up, then take away any leftovers at end of the event. We have lists to help you buy. two or three volunteers during the event will be pretty necessary so that you can quickly get the bagels sliced and the coffee brewed..
1. Captain Grogg
2. friends of Captain Grogg, to be named later

Lecture coordinators: Be present prior to and during the lectures. Set up projector. Bring laptop computer to connect to same. Get presentations (e.g. Powerpoint files, etc) from speakers and get them ready to go on the laptop prior to lectures. Have the opportunity to introduce speakers. If needed, help Wavebourn to set up his PA system.

Raffle organizer: set up and take down of 4-5 tables in raffle room. Run raffle of donated items by picking tickets from pool. Loud voice a plus! Take away any remaining items and briefly clean up the raffle room afterwards. Assistants are a bonus but not neccesary.

Ticket Sales: Sitting at the entry desk from 9am until lunchtime to sell entry and lunch tickets. A perfect job for a non-audiophile (e.g. a spouse) but absolutely critical for the event to work. Not too exciting, but fun to see the eager faces arriving and greet them. Handle ticket sales money in a secure fashion. Need at least one alternate person, 2 is better.
1. Birgit P.
2. Charlie

Signage coordinator: Create/print signage before the show e.g. schedule of activities, room name labels, etc. Show up at 8am and put up signage around meeting rooms and Firehouse. Take down signage at end of event. Install some decorative posters from previous shows.

Audio Systems Analyst On the thread combine components which people say they are bringing into reasonably logical systems and assign them to rooms. They can coordinate between themselves to rotate during the day, and rotate various amps, speakers, sources into a system for example.
1. Mark Cronander has volunteered to spearhead this effort, with help of one volunteer.

Audition Room Supervisor Coordinator. These volunteers must be assertive enough to explain the demo rules in a friendly manner and then make people stick to the plan, share the room, etc..
1. nikon f (Cary)

Moving Blanket Hustler: Pick up the moving blankets in 2 locations and stor them for the night , then bring them the show at 8AM, then apportion them to the rooms per the diagrams..

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The Lunch Coordinator position has now been made much easier! We need a volunteer now! PLEASE consider stepping up.
More info below:

Charlie will identify a caterer and coordinate with them in advance of the show. The lunch coordinator volunteer only needs to make sure a few tables are set up in the lunch room, set up a couple of garbage receptacles (large cardboard moving boxes containing plastic bags), meet and greet the caterer, and then check that people getting food have purchased lunch tickets.

This commitment should require only about 45 minutes of your time at Burning Amp. If we cannot find a volunteer we may cancel the catered lunch. You have been warned...
With this simplified description of lunch coordination and with several friends that have offered to help if they can attend, we can handle this as well as Snacks if we are in the same building (Firehouse?). When I know who is coming I will provide names. We will also help in any other ways possible.
With this simplified description of lunch coordination and with several friends that have offered to help if they can attend, we can handle this as well as Snacks if we are in the same building (Firehouse?). When I know who is coming I will provide names. We will also help in any other ways possible.

Hey Cap'n! That would be awesome. Yes, I will take care of lining up the caterer. You would be in charge of getting them accommodated in the Firehouse etc. as I described.

I think the snacks are supposed to be put out in the meeting rooms in Building C. Not sure exactly, maybe Mark can comment on what he is envisioning. If there is coffee and bagels in the AM it might make sense to put these in the same room that would be used at lunch time for the lunch service, sort of keeping all those food items together. We'll figure all this out in more detail as we get closer to the event date.

Also, regarding where to purchase stuff, there is a the Safeway that is on the block just outside the Fort Mason entrance at Marina Blvd and Laguna St. If you prefer to buy the stuff near Fort Mason, this might be an option to look in to. They might prepare and set aside a dedicated order for you (e.g. bagels) if you phone them in advance.
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We are still looking for someone to run the raffle. This is not a large commitment and it is fun! See below:

The raffle of donated items (electronic and speaker parts, etc.) is currently scheduled to take place from 1:45-2:15 in the afternoon in the audition rooms. We need someone to bring and set up ticket cups (e.g. large plastic drink cups) for each item prior to the raffle, and then for each item draw the winning ticket(s) from the cup and announce the number in a loud voice. At the end of the raffle, you collect the cups and make sure that any remaining items are removed by whoever brought them.

Please consider volunteering for this task. Please PM me or Variac if you will do this at the event.
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Do you like to listen to the lectures at Burning Amp? Here is how you can help us get them up and running this year:

Lecture coordinator: Be present prior to and during the lectures. Set up projector. Bring laptop computer to connect to same. Get presentations (e.g. Powerpoint files, etc) from speakers and get them ready to go on the laptop prior to lectures.

The current urgent need is someone with a laptop computer that has Powerpoint and preferably a VGA (or possibly HDMI) external output.

Please contact me asap if you can help in this regard.
I think you mean the Firehouse. The venue opens at 8am, or whenever Fort Mason staff get around to unlocking it. From 8am-8:30am is reserved for setup of tables, etc. Most people should plan on arriving no earlier than 8:30 unless they are involved with setup.

Sorry, I meant of course Fire house, for Burning amp!

Here Papa Nelson speaks on background of an amp that burns 400+W constantly. :D


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