Burning Amp 2021 - Oct 16 & 17th, Fort Mason SF

IT is there at the Bottom.
This is what it looks like at the bottom of page.

It is active after you completely open the email in your browser.

Click on the circle to make your choice !

Screen Shot 2021-10-14 at 7.29.23 AM.png
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For anyone else in the dark about how to get access to the Burning Amp Zoom talks after you have paid for your ticket, here are some instructions:

1. Open your order confirmation from Eventbrite
2. Scroll down all the way to the bottom
3. Find the link to "Register" in the text
4. Complete the registration form and the next screen will contain a link to the event and other information

The bottom section of my Eventbrite confirmation email looks like the text below. I have highlighted the link in RED (yours will be black). Click the link to get the Zoom info (I have highlighted in red and obfuscated the link, you need to click on the link in your own Email):

Additional Information
The event organizer has provided the following information:

Here is your registration information:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Oct 16, 2021 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

https... zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMknWl5udeqvpj8qGdO6MYQEpKZD14hpGhg

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Joined 2010
Paid Member
Huh, I don't see any pre registration link. I have the email from eventbrite with a meeting link, meeting ID and pass code and then a separate email asking me to reply if I don't want to enter the raffle. Did something change since last month?

I added the question about the raffle last week to the order form. I sent an email to the 105 who had already registered to ask the raffle question.

The confirmation email has a heading Join Zoom Meeting at the bottom with the link. PM me here with your email address if you are still having trouble.

Joined 2010
Paid Member
Broken Pre-Registration Link

A few of you may run into problems caused by me turning off pre-registration to streamline the process. If you were one of the early ones and pre-registered immediately - fine. If not you will find the pre-registration broken. PM me with your email address and I will send you the Zoom link.

Most of you can ignore this. Just look for Join Zoom Meeting at the bottom of your confirmation email.

It's a DIY audio conference run by a DIY organizer! The path may not be smooth!

For me the appeal of Burning amp is the ability to be in the same space with true masters. As much as i want to be involved I can't bring myself to actually do it. I'll probably buy a ticket, and catch up with you all when we can meet in person again. For me Burning Amp Festival was a life changing event. A spiritual pilgrimage which I take very seriously. In sitting with my thoughts for a long time, I concluded that the spiritual lift I get from being in community with the doers and builders will not be possible via Zoom. If you're feeling the same way you're not alone. Keep building, keep learning and honing your skills. Theres a energetic void that can't sustain. I'll see you all again in person, when the time is right, and I'll have lots of cool new stuff to show off.
Until then, stay grounded friends.

Extremely well stated, and I agree with every word.

The apparently permanent demise of RMAF is an even worse hit to our audio community.

A few of you may run into problems caused by me turning off pre-registration to streamline the process. If you were one of the early ones and pre-registered immediately - fine. If not you will find the pre-registration broken. PM me with your email address and I will send you the Zoom link.

Most of you can ignore this. Just look for Join Zoom Meeting at the bottom of your confirmation email.

It's a DIY audio conference run by a DIY organizer! The path may not be smooth!


Thanks, Tom!

We appreciate all yours and team's efforts on our behalf.

Joined 2010
Paid Member
Nelson Pass and Andrew Jones Together!

Nelson and Andrew will be answering questions and sharing war stories at the end of the Saturday's (tomorrow!) session.

We will be giving away 25 of the Pass Mini ACA amplifier kits. Thanks Nelson Pass and Linear Systems for the donated parts in the kits.

See you there!
