Burning Amp Is November 9 & 10, 2019!!!

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What a great show! - It was a blast!

Several folks asked for the slides from my "Insights on Hybrid Amplifier Design" so here is a link: http://www.denisvilfort.com/BAF 2019 Vilfort Audio.pdf

See you all next year

Thank you Dennis for the slide. I really like your 1st presentation. It really kicked off the day with alot of energy, enthusiasm, and insight.

Thank you Tom V, Variac, 6L6, Papa, all the hosts, and volunteers for such a wonderful event. It was my 1st time to the Burning amp and won't be my last.

Tom D

Here're some shots of Dennis with his awesome speech, 6L6, Papa talking about his new CrossOver kit coming up and a candid shot of Variac :D


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Lots of thank yous flying about, so I thought I'd give mine.

Thanks to Tom, Mark and the myriad of hard working organisers and volunteers that made this event worth every penny of my air-fare from London. Also the presentations by Bob, Demian, Nelson, Denis and anyone else who stood up and shared their wisdom.

Thank you everyone for letting me speak and share my amp build journey on Sunday Morning at my first Burning Amp. Following Denis was no easy job, but between us I think we gave the theme of hybrids a pretty good airing!

If anyone wants to read more about the GEM amp project by Graham Maynard - that inspired my amp - then you can find more here: The GEM

Happy to share any of my bits if any one feels they want to bring this simultanious class A and class A/B thing up a notch. I'm sure there's another great iteration to be made!

Thanks again, NICK
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BAF Thanksgiving Stew

Inspired by Burning Amp leftover sausage and bread and Thanksgiving turkey stuffing: potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, kale, chicken stock, and the aforementioned sausage and bread.


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News about new diy Papa power amp ?

Papa’s project for this year is the ACP+ (Amp Camp Preamp+, where the “+” means “headphone”)

Information here - http://www.firstwatt.com/pdf/art_acp.pdf


There will be PCB available in the near future to build it just as seen at the Workshop this year. It was a resounding success and although we needed to do a little work the next day troubleshooting a couple of amps, EVERYBODY left with an operative ACP!

The project is fantastic, it’s easy to build and very first-time friendly, as well as being a suitable preamp for other amplifiers, it will output a full watt into 32ohm headphones! (That will damage hearing, please don't listen that loud...)

Stay tuned, there will be a Preorder in the next few weeks.


For specific information about the new power amp (for which there is very little info...) watch the video of Nelson's talk when it is posted.
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