Cannot Delete Temporary Internet Files

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diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
Okay. Well, I did those things.

And the screen told me that if I did this, all the files in the directory would be deleted. It asked y/n

I pressed "y" and hit "Enter".

The screen said "File Not Found".

I tried it again-same result.

I went back to Windows, and the Temp Internet Files Folder has the same 10.7 MB of files.

Are these some kind of phantom files? Not connected to anything-just pictures in a directory? :scratch: :scratch:
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


The files are there and should not be protected by the Windows OS if you try to delete them under DOS, not a DOSbox under Windows, that would not be the same.

So if you reboot the machine and select the bootmenu and opt for the pure DOSprompt that must work.

diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


I go to start-shutdown, check the "restart in DOS mode" box, and restart the machine.

I see, if you opt for that Windows still has started a DOSsession which is mostly used for games.

What you need to do is just reboot, when the machine gets passed the bios check routine you see "starting windows" or something similar.

It's been a while since I used a Win98 machine but I think that you use the F8 key to bring up the menu that lets you opt for "Normal Windows", "Safe Mode" and "DOS Only".

You'll have to act fast to hit this key or Windows will start up normally.

Once you have the DOSprompt you can do as instructed.

Yea... that's what i sorta recommended... just use that program :/ It helps you clean up much more too. Instead of manually cleaning up recent histories in applications etc... this program can do that too :/ It'll save you 50-300MB probably, lots if you've never cleared up. Good luck and I advise you upgrade your system. Older computers even 486 can be put to use, but it becomes less 'friendly' per say that you have to almost struggle on certain tasks. Heck I got old 486+ machines turned into fun mp3 players :) Upgrade your system and move away from the win9x platform :D
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
I got to that menu, it gives you six options.

I chose "Coomand Prompt" and got the "C" prompt, with no "Windows" in front.

I chose "dir" and got the list, but when I wrote "TEMPIN~1" it said something "Invalid File Directory".

Now what?

Do I write windows after the "C" prompt?

Lost in DOS. Hey, that could be a title for a movie! :)
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


O.K., you got the menu choice allright.

I chose "dir" and got the list, but when I wrote "TEMPIN~1" it said something "Invalid File Directory".

Under DOS any little detail is crucial, you overlooked the command:CD.(change directory)

After the dir command, type CD C:\TEMPIN~1, followed by the ENTER command this should bring you to that directory.

Once there you can again type the DIR command + the Enter key to see what is in there.

Type DEL *.* to empty the root of that directory...or, do as someone else suggested (Jason?), without going to that directory type DELTREE C:\TEMPIN~1 and confirm with the ENTER key.

Don't be surprised if it take ten minutes to delete all.

When you start at the DOS prompt you have to type
deltree c:\windows\tempo~1

When you are in the windows directory you have to type

deltree tempo~1 or the above

Or start windows -> start button -> run and enter
deltree c:\windows\tempo~1

Or are you talking about something different meanwhile?
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
Basically, I get to the "C" prompt.

when I get there, I type in "cd C\:TEMPIN~1" then Enter

I really have to shut this down for tonight. I want to thank everyone for thier knowledge and patience. I will be reading any suggestions you might have either late tonight or tomorrow.

Again, I want to thank Frank, Wombat, gigatron and Jason for their patience. I really should learn DOS.

By the way, I have an extra drive, D, with Windows 95 on it and a partition of the C drive, drive E, with Windows 98SE-a separate version-on it as well.

I really don't know if that changes anything.

Again, thank you all.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


I really don't know if that changes anything.

It only does when you can boot into that and can see the problematic Win98-SE partition.

If you can boot into it it would be a cinche to prune the offending explorer cache.

From experience I found it to be a bad idea to run multiple OSs unless your bootmanager can hide one from the other.If not Windows gets confused and all kind of problems occur.

Temporary Internet files is in the windows directory, not in any root.

When i wrote
Or start windows -> start button -> run and enter <<<--- enter means: type in here!!

Here in germany the icon it is called "Ausführen"

Just use:

deltree %windir%\tempo~1

This will work wherever his windows directory is ;)
As said before, it is better to use a washer program before KW deletes
essential files that kills his system!
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


deltree %windir%\tempo~1

Indeed, that should do it.

The reason I asked was that it wouldn't surprise that when you opt for a DOSprompt on the menu it would give you:


Now if the cache would sit in, say C:\PROGRA~1 that would be a problem for KW since he wouldn't see it at all when starting from the Win dir.

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Paid Member
Dos .

I am also pretty poor at DOS but had to learn a little bit years ago.
To look at all the directories you should type dir /p . That way you will see it page by page and not zip past at high speed.So lets see what you would do after you get to th C:\> prompt.

c:\> dir /p ( now hit enter )
to see for example all files starting with 'T'
c:\> dir t*.* /p
You will see one page of directories. Hit 'Enter' again and you will get the next page and so on till you get to the last page.
Since you want your temp and Internet files , you have to go to the Windows folder.

c:\> cd windows ( hit enter)
You will get
c:\ windows>
Now if you type in "dir /p"
you get
c:\windows> dir /p ( hit enter)
You will see all the directories in the Windows folder.
Pick the one you want ... for example
c:\windows> cd temp ( enter )
You get
You can now look at the files using 'dir/p'
or just delete all files by typing del*.* as shown
c:\windows\temp> del*.* ( hit enter)
All files in the "temp" directory will be deleted. The directory "Temp" itself will still be there.
It could take a while.
I deleted some stubborn files this way.
DOS still bugs me.
Hope this makes things clear and isn't too simplistic.
Guys don't complicate the matter if the guy is already having hard enough of a time :/ Why haven't you tried that window washer program? I just tried it myself and in fact will keep it (i usually do it manually as well but why the hassle when this eliminates several tasks with basicly a click of a button)... Hmm I'm going to sleep, but if any one of you is alive, how about this, make him a batch file :) and attach it as a file here :) tell him to save it on a boot disk and then boot up and run it or something or even better make it part of autoexec.bat when he boots the diskette so when its done just restart system and voila :/ I don't use win9x no more nor have since early 99 when i switched to win2k. My detail specific knowledge of the win9x platform is a bit bleak unless i'm in front of the win9x machine so I don't even remember where all the net related temp files are held.. don't forget windows hides and protects them through attributes and desktop.ini (no point in deleting when its recreated but editing it can solve some issues of this sort). Certain things however are in memory and can not be deleted or if its strict access by the system, not even accesed (opened or edited) whilst windows is running :/
Ok, here is a small batch attached.
Copy it where you will still find it in DOS mode and start into DOS again.
Start it with ietkill!

Afterwards all directories of Tempo... will be recreated!

I am not sure about the variables of the windir, so i use 2. But no error will occure, just try it!

edit: Unpack it first! ietkill.bat will be the name. This only works for 98.


    167 bytes · Views: 80
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Neat way to clean up - if the folder is not corrupted.

boot up windows
go to start menu
click on 'Run'
type in 'cleanmgr' without quotes
give it a few seconds to scan
ensure 'temporary internet files' is ticked.
say 'yes' at next dialog box.

Method 2

Go to Control panel
Click on 'internet settings' or 'internet' - depends on your IE version
in the middle of the box there will be a little button that says 'delete files'. press it.

Try the DOS method. as outlined by Ashok. Sometimes it works, too but not guaranteed to as there are lots of subdirectories which mirror the main files, etc.

If nothing happens you have a corrupted temporary internet files folder - which I suspect anyway, as 10 MB of files is a little small.

To repair, download tweakUI from microsoft. There will be a new icon in the control panel for this little toy, that will alow you to repair the temp. Int. files folder. Once the repair is complete, you can delete files in any of the two above ways...
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