Chip amp power supply- a beginners guide

Nuuk said:
Again, I don't want to go into so much detail it looks like a University degree course. However, it is important to stress that a load must be connected to the bridge when taking the measurements. Hence the following quote from the section on testing! ;)

Yes a capacitor must be on the output but that is not a load. A load will consume a significant % of transformer current capacity, while a capacitor only filters, reduces ripple instead of being a load. Without a load you will only see peak output, though it is still a good thing, still important to know the peak voltage because it can't be allowed to exceed the capacitor, chipamp, or other parts' voltage ratings.

Then by knowing the peak it can be determined to be working and safe to hook up the amp, then with amp outputting to the speakers the actual load on the PSU can the load under which a second PSU voltage measurement is taken.
Need help:

I have transformer 32-0-32 ..5 Amperes... and wanted to use to "drive" my Gainclone, made by LM3886 (stereo version).

- If I use 40v capacitors can I get "normal" power supply for GC?(for example 36-37v per rail).

-Is there a schematics for regulated supply in which my transformer will fit? (Lt1083 or somethnig else..) to lower the supply on 35V per rail..

- No way - just to make single supply version (to use as 64V or twice by 32V?)

- Or...
Your transformer puts out 32V AC. Multiply by 1.4 and you get 44.8V DC. The maximum for the LM3886 is 42V. Also, using a 40V capacitor with 44.8V rails will cause destruction of the capacitor. The capacitor is not a limiter, it must be rated for higher than the highest voltage it will see.

A regulated supply is your best bet if you want to use that transformer. Unfortunately I can't help with that.
Thnx for the response,
Last question -
The trafo that I have, has only three wires as secondary 32-0-32, which means - NO independent secondaries.

can I use Carlos regulated PSU as shown in attachment?


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