Compatibility issues between TinyCAD and VeeCAD

I am trying to come up with a perfboard layout for Folio, the outer foil identifier for capacitors:
Some kind members proposed two possible softwares:
And the combination of TinyCAD and VeeCad.
DiYLC would be perfect, but it suffers from a fatal omission: the library doesn't include DIP14's, which for a DIY soft is a killer: no small gates, no quad opamps like the LM324, no quad comparator like the LM339, etc.
I imagine that I could create the footprint myself, but for a single use it seems over-the-top.
I then tried TinyCAD and VeeCAD, even though I don't need the netlist connection between the schematic and the PCB.
I downloaded both, and configured their mutual compatibility library files; not very pleasant, but doable.
I then created my schematic with the special symbols of TinyCAD, and attempted to export the netlist to VeeCAD, but that's where problems began: the process is far from automatic, even with the bilateral compatibility libraries.
Once it is done, you need to manually edit each and every footprint used in the design. Not very pleasant, but I was ready to do it since the circuit is so minimalistic, but the components had 1 or 2 pins maximum: I couldn't configure the TO92 and even less the DIP14.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Here are the TinyCAD files (remove the .txt to use them


  • Folio.dsn.txt
    47.1 KB · Views: 21
    1.4 KB · Views: 19