Scheduled for feasibility study Conversations

This issue is considered important and has been scheduled for further investigation or feasibility as time and priorities allow
Joined 2008
Paid Member
I have three questions about the Conversations page.

1) Selecting a number of PM's thinking to delete them, I then couldn't find any command button for the action.

2) Limiting the PMs per page to such a small number makes it a little ungainly. On the old site I had IIRC 5 pages total. Now there are 30. Could we not have an option to show more per page (if not all), or otherwise control how they're displayed?

3) A search function for Conversations would also be nice.

Thanks you guys.

Happy New Year to all of you !
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Joined 2007
Paid Member
You can delete pm's individually by selecting the pm and clicking 'leave' at the top of that pm. A new box opens with the options available.

To delete several in one go select 'show all'. All the pm's now open in a full size window. Place a tick against all the ones you want to delete and select your chosen option from the options offered at the lower left of the screen.

Screenshot 2021-12-31 070543.jpg

Screenshot 2021-12-31 071007.jpg