Counterpoint-SA220-pwr to Exicon mosfet 10N20 10P20 TO3

Hehe. I also made a somewhat not presentable sound when confronted with that particular expression. Not to be repeated in the company of sensible people.

But I wonder, MichaelE closed his second venture into the abyss of of sound years ago, anybody knows what actually happened to him? I seem to remember he hinted about bad health, but no specifics.

John Iverson we know for a fact was abducted by aliens, but not so about ME.

Joined 2004
Paid Member
I think VivaVee has the most accurate knowledge of what happened to M.E.

He pulled back from upgrades and service from what I saw after an endless string of rather stupid "upgrades". Then he anointed one or more service people that would copy his work without question. I don't know what his arrangement was, not that it matters.

What I do know, and have seen first hand are units that have undergone "rough service" and high cost work that never did address the root issues with the products. Once you sort out the basic issues, the products do sound better, and they are far more reliable.

VivaVee is extremely familiar with the Counterpoint line and also knows what the underlying weaknesses are in those designs.

Hi andrewgrin2k
If both your amps are working I would leave well enough alone.
I have never "modified/upgraded" any of the Counterpoint electronics. I have repaired most of the models including designing replacements for obsolete/unobtainable parts. I was never interested in upgrading as such and never made any such claims. I took a nonworking unit, otherwise destined for the landfill site, and restored it to working order, in such a way that it would be serviceable in the future. Job done.
I suggest you spend your time and effort seeking out new/more music and enjoying it
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