Creating a Simple Breakout PCB

I would like to obtain some breakout PCBs for Cinemag CMOQ-4HPC transformers -- tranformer pins solder to the board with vias out to pads with drilled holes so I won't be reworking the pins themselves when I change connections. One or two pads per pin close by and four mounting holes for the board. Lundahl sells these for some of their products, but Cinemag does not.

I have see suggestions pointing us Easy EDA, and I've been getting boards from JLCPCB. Best choice or is there something simpler? I don't see myself moving on to active boards going forward

I see references to a component library called LCSC, but Cinemag does not cite availability for their PCB inductors. Do I have to create the design from dimensions?

Any suggestions are most welcome -- including a better place to ask.


Design your own and order a 10 pack for peanuts.
If no useful footprint is available, create your own by placing pads in the proper places, drawing an outline rectangle on the silkscreen layer, grouping those elements and calling them Cmoq4 or something, any PCB software allows such simple library parts creation.
No need for 3D design or anything complex, all you need is the basic footprint.