Cyrus 1 amp

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They are indeed Roederstein 470uF/6V bi-polar electrolytics. I'm still looking for suitable replacements for my own Cyrus 1 amp. I've replaced a bunch of the caps already with Black Gates (I now realise these probably aren't the best type to use in an amp) but I'm struggling to find anything to replace the Roedersteins.
Hi Stuart,
I've done some more digging around. What we need are either Nichicon ES (aka Muse) or Black Gate N/Nx series. The BGs are expensive and may be too big but the Nichicons are well regarded apparently and are pretty cheap (compared to the BGs). I can get both types in the UK from amplifier valve kits, HIFI pre-amplifiers, speaker kits, upgrade components but I don't know about NZ. I don't know enough electronics to tell whether any old bi-polar would be a good idea at that point in the circuit. Have you seen this site which has the schematics for the Cyrus 1?
The Class-A Amplifier Site
Hi Mark,

Thanks for contact! yes they have a bipolar 470uf 16v cap. I will contact them and see if they will deal with a Kiwi!

And yes have downloaded and printed off the circuits. They have been most helpful. In my deliberations with the amp I have killed one channel, but some sort of obstinate stubborn persistence pushes me on.

Thanks again,
I've replaced all the power amp electrolytic caps with Nichicons as mentioned in my last post and I'm very happy with the results. I also corrected a couple of mistakes with my earlier mods and the old Cyrus 1 is back to it's old form. Combined with the earlier cap replacements in the PSU and phono sections I now have no original electrolytics left. These amps are definitely worth preserving so I hope you manage to get yours up and running again.
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