Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was a HUGE Opera Fan???


That historical curiosity and other chewy intellectual treats can be found in my Installment No. 8 of my "John Marks' Bookshelf for Lovers of Recordings" series over at Michael Fremer's Tracking Angle.

BTW, Lincoln's favorite opera was von Flotow's "Martha" (pr. "Marta"). The tenor's aria of brokenhearted horror, when he realizes that he has fallen head-over-heels in love with his aristocratic family's new serving girl, was Lincoln's favorite aria. Rilly! Here's my favorite performance.

Lincoln's love of opera was no closeted secret. Hostile newspapers complained that he attended the opera during wartime. Lincoln's friends funded a performance of "Martha" as part of the festivities for his Second Inaugural. Food for thought (there's more at the link).

Anyway, Book #8 in my series is "Making Rumours: The Inside Story of the Classic Fleetwood Mac Album."

Drama, drama, and more drama.

Have fun!
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