DIY DAC - X1000


i decided to DIY my next DAC and kinda wanna share my jorney here and kinda wanna document it for myself...

i will keep the parts list updated here:

Case - with inner baseplate for 70 euro
EMI filter - for 12 euro (nice pcb layout)
Transformers - toroidy audio grade
usb to i2s - either jlsounds or amanero derivate
dac - probably jlsounds ak4493


i might also do some pcb"s on my own, the rectifier board seems easy todo and probably better than chinese bought ones..

still alot to go... stay tuned :)
i think the rectifier board is 98% finished ->

together with this goes this board which need to still design the pcb:
probably will use one for pregulation and one for each output, about the regulators im still unsure what i will go with but this board will be kinda optimized specially for sparkos discrete regulators, so i definitely will test them at some point, im a true believer of discrete opamps so lets see...

i also asked at toroidy what a custom transformer with 6x 7V would cost ... this would save me from buying 3 seperate transformers... the case is quite large but i dont think that large... 3 would fit in a row, if i wanna have some room for the emi filter probably 2 transformers max + emi filter in a row is best to keep the build tidy...