DIY rear proj - paint on glass.

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I will be painting the backside of glass for a TV commercial with rear-projection paint.
This large glass is in an office building, starts at 20 feet off the interior floor. Projector will be inside, and viewable from the outside of the building.
Area: 17 feet x 9 feet.

-wish me luck.

(this brand of paint: )
Goo Systems

I'll post before and after pics.


So, how did it go? I know its been a while, but I just discovered this forum. Checked the link, seems like a cool product - I could find uses for the rear projection paint, no problems, and I'd at least paint a couple of walls in my own house with the front version.
Thanks for the heads up.

ps: this is my first post and will probably never be read but I'm excited anyway. Welcome to me :)
Welcome !!

The job went perfect.
I was nervous, because I'd never used rear projection paint, so I had no idea if I applied enough or too much. I followed the instructions on the can of paint......and made a call to the GooSystems people to ease my mind.

This product must be applied with a paint spray gun.

I never made it out to see the projection in action (darn!!)....but I heard that the pro video tech guys were amazed...they said it looked better than any of their CRT/LCD displays. They were surprised.

You are welcome. Fun stuff, isn't it! :D

Where are the pictures? We will post them and your professional address for 'jobber' contacts, on our website.

Meaning, folks in the LA area will see your images on our website and contact you for 'Screen Goo' work. Works out well for both of us.

Many times, this can get you involved in some pretty huge contracts.

Wait a minute. I remember those phone calls. You promised photos! :) (Or at least, I asked for photos)
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