Found cheap (remote!) 4-ch used VCA's for 2 way design with DCX2496

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Found a cheap 4 channel VCA box That can be modded if desired. should give you a basis for running that DCX2496 with a VOLUME CONTROL, for once! At least you can do two ways. Maybe get two..or find a Yammie in the line that does 6 channel for the three ways.

The cheap way out of this frickin' issue with these Behringer units.... took me awhile, but I finally tripped over a cheap solution.

Tha YAMAHA DSR-100 PRO. A surround (dolby surround basic) unit processor from days gone by. It has remote volume function, it uses standard parts ands is easy to modify. It has a Volume controlled 4 channel (full freq bandwidth) I/O for outboard processors! Exactly what the doctor ordered!

Find one on
I opened the unit to take a look at it. It uses the motor driven volume, an alps unit, to indicate postion, and control the VCA's. that's all. It isn't actually used.

All the PS local buffers for all the hardware, and the coupling caps are are all ELNA Duorex Caps. There must be a hundred of the little guys.

The main PS caps, for the matrix decoder, are BLACK GATE, F series.

Not too shabby. I was going to mod it, but with what? I might remove all the unessessary componentry, but that's about it.
I hooked it up,and it doesn't sound too bad. Now to open up the dyanmics a bit with some cap value changes for the coupling caps, maybe a better buffer cap or two for the VCA's. It may be possible to re-wire it for 6 channel as well. Hard to say. The other two channels are derived for the sub and center, so... it may be doable though. There's enough VCA's in there to choke a horse.
DSR-100 pro

Dear KBK,

Please keep your modification result post.

Currently, I'm evaluating the DCX2496, and I also have DSR-100 for a very long time. So I have the same idea with you.

DSR-100 was designed to connect with Yamaha's DSP-100 for adding pro-logic center channel into thier DSP procecer. It's at last 15 years-old product.

With DSP interface function, it provide 6-ch vol control for yamaha's 6 ch dsp signals. (main L/R, Front L/R, and real L/R)

I'm kind of afraid the VCA can not accept the full swing signal from the DCX2496 for gaining the digital bits resolution.

Let me know your progress, and where to modify. Thanks

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