• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Frank's Ultimate Tube Preamp

Well, is happening....

I better start working on those 6 power transformers, It will take some time, but in the meanwhile I will import those nonmagnetic MF Rs and some tubes I missing such as EL86 and OG3.

On the attenuator switch, it should be a shorting type or can I get away with a non shorting? two waffers for stereo? Any suggestion?
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


On the attenuator switch, it should be a shorting type or can I get away with a non shorting? two waffers for stereo? Any suggestion?

That would be shorting, AKA "make before break"...if not you'll get unpleasant noises when the grid is disconnected.

On the attenuator switch, it should be a shorting type or can I get away with a non shorting? two waffers for stereo? Any suggestion?

I use a Elma switch, two of them in a dual mono setup.If I get the series attenuator to work ( I expect it to) you'll only need one deck, to be on the safe side you can order to switches with two decks.
They're easily dismantled and you won't need shaft extenders nor couplers if you do the layout right.

diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


In the parts list, under miscellaneous I forgot to mention:

- a few soldering tags

- clamps for the caps.

The preamp part is ready to be scanned, the PSU will require a redraw before scanning.
Please be patient....worst of all I will need to redo the 1Meg attenuator since I seem to have lost my papers on that.

But we'll get there;)
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


The maths are done so nothing to worry...except I don't have a scanner and I need to tidy up the drawings.
It takes time though, it's not the only iron I've got in the fire....

BTW...I found some more Kaneda schematics on the web...

All in all I'd rather give it my best shot first time around than to submit something too hastily.

Do you know we got on the "Fred is back" thread ? We must have a squeamish moderator, I can't think that we crossed the line.

Hmmmm....again?You mean the little joke we made? :goodbad:

I'll look at it...:(

diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


An interesting thread for those wondering why Mr.Tube;) is using silicon in his preamp.


The need for speed...:clown:

So, my theory is that thanks to the series reg. we have a good isolation between the power provider (PSU) and the actual circuit...the only concern remaining being: how much crud are these diodes throwing back into the mains?

Well, although I did not specify them as such, the xformers in the preamp I use do have an electrostatic shield, they are exceptional at keeping voltage and current constant and nothing on the mains seems to upset them.
They are not exorbitant in price, considering this isn't a cheap linestage in the first place,but...they were made to order.

As far as I can tell the diodes don't really matter, in fact you're not likely to hear the difference between a tube rectifier, an ordinary diode or a fast recovery one in that particular position.

I think you're starting to see the benefits of regulation?
The only place global feedback is O.K. IMO.

Not that I want to generalise this, I just want you to give it a go.


We might have a new name for your preamp.

Jam ;)


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diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002
New Name.

Hi Jam,


That's what triggered the comments.
We are soo stuuupid...we forget to wear shades.

For info: Jocko's down with an intestinal flu, so it may take another week or so for him to climb back on board.
Poor chap...:rolleyes:


San Francisco,:clown:
Joined 2001
Paid Member
jam said:
Do you know we got :censored: on the "Fred is back" thread ? We must have a squeamish moderator, I can't think that we crossed the line.


P.S. I wonder if this post get's removed.:irked:

I know pinkmouse has commented on this already. They only thing that any mods have done in this thread is that Peter deleted 2 of his own posts (they were the same). No other posts have been moved or "deleted" (it is not actually possible for us to delete a post -- they just go into an invisible forum). And a poll of the mods backs this up.

So whatever was censored was not us. If something is missing then i'd like to know about it. Having stuff dissapear like this is a sign of a/ someone editing their own post (i'd be able to see it if it was deleted), b/ a database bug, or c/a hack job. If b or c we need to know so we can fix a problem.

dave :captain:
(in official capacity)
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


If something is missing then i'd like to know about it.

Unfortunately, something is missing...not that I miss it but that's besides the point.

If, as you say, no moderator intervened than it was, must have been a hack.

Dave, if you like to know my opinion on it, just send me a private e-mail.Don't send it through the forum.

I think Jam has a pretty good idea on what, who here too.

diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


Thank you for your interest in this little project...

I checked with the owner of the computershop recently about the scans I requested and all I got was: Oh, sh*t I still need to do that.

Mind you, if he keeps on dragging his feet like this I'll talk you all through it myself...after all it ain't all that complicated.

Sorry about the delay,:dead: