Greater Toronto Area DIY meetup

I may be able to host a small gathering at my place sometime in July when my wife is at work on a weekend on call shift. I'd be willing to "somewhat" clean my garage for some speaker/amp/headphone or whatever demo's, maybe even do a BBQ (depending on attendance). It just seems that these mutual meeting spots are somewhat troublesome and I do have the room to host outside. I'll discuss it with my wife and get back to you on the details if I've been cleared ;) . I will also have to OK it with neighbors, due to the nature of said gathering I don't want to upset anybody.
Joined 2009
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There was some confusion about the meeting spot and at the last minute it was changed to the Starbucks because it was known to have plugs

most tim hortons don't have plugs you can use..

We are looking for more friendly places like community center or library meeting places so that we can have a proper setup

I apologize if there was any confusion

at the last minute it was changed...

Thanks for the apology.
Thats not how to do business.
If you don't see whats wrong with this modus operandi,
we obviously can't do business.

I got up, sorted and loaded three boxes of parts, and arranged a ride.
I checked and rechecked the address, and got it nailed.
I wasted another 2 hours and 10 bucks + gas getting there, and securing two booths.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Make the next date April 1st.
Well, it was most unfortuante that we ended up in two different places. I guess we all reacted to whatever we thought was the "right way" to go and went there when we discovered (at the very last minute) the address that Merlin proposed was not a suitable meeting place. This mishap would have been avoided if someone (myself included) looked up the address sometime before the meeing.

Although Joe Tam kind of "initiate" the meetings, no one really owns the repsonsibility. My view, no one is to be blamed for this mishap.

By now, we pretty much realised that a more "proper" venue is needed for these meeting. Particularly if the meeting is more for "swap" than a bunch of hobbists get together to shoot the breeze on audioDIY stuffs. I do not think the owners of commercial outfits, be it SB or Tims, like to see other people use their venue to conduct "business transactions". I think both Joe and Jaimo are exploring possibilities of holding these meetings in community centers where we can actually set up some gears for listening and would not intrude upon anyone. Lets see what happen.


Joined 2009
Paid Member
Thanks for the apology.
Thats not how to do business.
If you don't see whats wrong with this modus operandi,
we obviously can't do business.

I got up, sorted and loaded three boxes of parts, and arranged a ride.
I checked and rechecked the address, and got it nailed.
I wasted another 2 hours and 10 bucks + gas getting there, and securing two booths.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Make the next date April 1st.

As we have stated, part of the blame is on us for not checking the address... but to be fair I have always suggested starbucks.. i only went with dufferin location because I assume that was a starbucks location

not all tim hortons have plugs and most of them are franchises that have time limit on how long we can stay

we didn't get hassle at the starbucks until the very end..

and for your information, I am arranging the meet ups, it's not a commerical venture and it is in no way tied to my business..

it's unfortante that you had so much hassle, and if you want you can take up the leadership to arrange the next meet to make sure we get to a spot to your liking

If you fellas are willing to meet at my place ( East York) for July 1st weekend I'm still game. Although my wife is mulling it over slightly, shes afraid of a whole gaggle of audio whack jobs talking gibberish and playing odd musical ensembles could possibly convince the neighbors of their already sinking suspicions of me being a total quack job :p . Other than that small detail I'm sure we would be OK. Parking is great on the street, I have a large drive to my garage so no unloading from they road is required. I'm not going to push the point but if you guys are willing to give it a go let me know so I can make definitive arrangements for the date.
Well, we will have to skip the long weekend unfortunately. I'll try and make a definitive plan for a date in July some time if everyone is still interested. I should have my NEW dipole line array's and tapped horns ready for later next month also. So I'll check back with info when I have more to give.
Well, we will have to skip the long weekend unfortunately. I'll try and make a definitive plan for a date in July some time if everyone is still interested. I should have my NEW dipole line array's and tapped horns ready for later next month also. So I'll check back with info when I have more to give.

Hi, Speakersrfun,

First of all, thank you for the offer to held the meet. The upcoming long weekend is probably not good for most since school is out for the kids and trips/activities have been arranged sometime ago. Let's plan for a later date for the meet up. Looking forward to check out your dipole line array one of these days.

Joined 2009
Paid Member
I got the information from Angus Glen community center... there is cost involved and the minimum rental time is 4 hours.. do we want to pursuit this?

it's a nice space with a conference table for us to setup headphone amps.. no loud speakers though


I expect that a fee will be charged per rental. I and a group of guys used to rent a school gym one evening a week (every school year) to play basketball. What I can say is that significant portion of the rental fee is for insurance.

Did you find out how much is the rental rate? Did they actually said that no speakers are allowed, even though if we promise to keep it down?

I wonder whether Jaimo dig out any info at his end.

They were pretty specific on the speakers thing.. they were concern when I told them we were a bunch of audio hobbyist :)

the rate info I have for various sized rooms.. starts from $17 an hour up to $50 an hour and there is a minimum 4 hours rental


Oh, well :(. Too bad.

I thought the rate would be around 10-12$ for the small room. Look like the rate has gone up. Even for the small room, 4 hours will cost around 75$. It is kind of expensive unless we can get a large enough group (>10 people).

Community Room

I managed to reach the person responsible for community room rentals - The room I have in mind is located at the Margaret Dunn Library in Caledon, at the end of the 410. It's about a 45 minute drive from the east side of Toronto and about 30 mins from the west end of Mississauga.

We are allowed to use loudspeakers as long as we keep our listening levels reasonable and don't upset the librarian. The folks there are easy going and the room is even used for dance lessons etc. Acoustics are however not great - think large empty room with glass all round and a vinyl floor covering!

Rental rates are $22-60 per hour plus $3-05 for insurance. This works out to about $132 for five hours (call it $14 per person for 10 people and keep in mind that parking is free!)

The only open Saturday is July 14 and I will need to reserve the room ASAP.

How many folks say Yes?
I managed to reach the person responsible for community room rentals - The room I have in mind is located at the Margaret Dunn Library in Caledon, at the end of the 410. It's about a 45 minute drive from the east side of Toronto and about 30 mins from the west end of Mississauga.

We are allowed to use loudspeakers as long as we keep our listening levels reasonable and don't upset the librarian. The folks there are easy going and the room is even used for dance lessons etc. Acoustics are however not great - think large empty room with glass all round and a vinyl floor covering!

Rental rates are $22-60 per hour plus $3-05 for insurance. This works out to about $132 for five hours (call it $14 per person for 10 people and keep in mind that parking is free!)

The only open Saturday is July 14 and I will need to reserve the room ASAP.

How many folks say Yes?

Darn!! I have to take my daughter to a picnic, which was arranged sometime ago, on that saturday. Looks like I am going to miss this one :(.

I managed to reach the person responsible for community room rentals - The room I have in mind is located at the Margaret Dunn Library in Caledon, at the end of the 410. It's about a 45 minute drive from the east side of Toronto and about 30 mins from the west end of Mississauga.

We are allowed to use loudspeakers as long as we keep our listening levels reasonable and don't upset the librarian. The folks there are easy going and the room is even used for dance lessons etc. Acoustics are however not great - think large empty room with glass all round and a vinyl floor covering!

Rental rates are $22-60 per hour plus $3-05 for insurance. This works out to about $132 for five hours (call it $14 per person for 10 people and keep in mind that parking is free!)

The only open Saturday is July 14 and I will need to reserve the room ASAP.

How many folks say Yes?

Looks like there's no interest - I need to get back to the library on Monday with a confirmation - pls let me know if you wish to participate.