Help with infocus screenplay 5000

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Hi guys, Im new here, I've posted on a few other forums and havnt yet been able to get an answer, Tried searching here as well, but nothing specific to my model.

Im trying to repair a projector for my buddy, infocus wanted 420$, not including shipping or handling. I figured that was outrageous. I opened her up, and the power supply is fried. Looks like 6-7 resistors, and at least one cap. Problem is, things are melted so bad i cant tell what half the stuff is. I also havn't repaired a power supply in 3-4 years, so i am a bit rusty.

Is there somewhere i can get a schematic? Or does anyone know of a place that will sell replacement boards? Infocus refused to sell me a board because i am not an authorized repair center. Or, has anyone here worked with this power supply before?

It appears to be a magnetek model 3e40-20-100. But Google does not find anything.

If this is the wrong forum, or if this has been solved before I apologized. I did try to search, but could not find any useful info for my model.

Im new to the projector scene, but im going to have to go with it being the main powerboard. Its where the AC plugs in, and it has a small cable bundle going out to the main board on the digital, with a few grounds, and assorted voltages that i dont know :)

I can have pictures, but not till later today, camera is in car, its snowing, and its bed time :)

But yeah it just looks like your every day powersupply. Does have somethings, i think specific to lamp related things though. Such as a wima film cap (the blown cap c504 is directly opposite side of board as the wima).
Here goes.


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Ok heres a picture from the top.
I hope it posts, The first two pictures, didnt show up after mod cleared my post.

That is about as detailed as i can get it, with under 100k posting limit. I can get any numbers you may need from the parts. Just looks like a switching powersupply to me, but its out of my league.

EDIT. Thanks mods for removing my moderation waiting thingy :)


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Update, after calling one of the repair centers out an email, saying blah blah i know it doesnt really cost 400, " i hope you sleep well at night ripping people off"

They offered to sell me powerboard for 120$ plus shipping.

Though i'd much perfer to repair this one still if it is possible
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