Help with Lens for PS One Projector

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Hey all,

So ive decided to take my computer out of my bedroom and build a PsOne projector to use for movies, TV, Xbox and stuff like that.
ATM i have an old Durts 609 Slide projector, which i will use the (2) condensers from it. the fresnal i can get locally, but i still need a Lens.
My dad suggested to use a camera lens (He is a pprofessional phographer) since he has alot of them, and he is willing to give me one.

My question is, can i use a camera lens for the projector?

David Resnik
The stuff you have sounds great for the light box side of your projector.

Definitely try a camera lens for projection. Your dad will know all the stuff about field-of-view, focal lengths and f-numbers of lenses. Try to use the fastest lens you can get (low f-number) for the brightest image.

If a camera lens doesn't work out, and because you are going to be using a PSOne lcd, you can use a TV projection lens. The LCD goes right against the rear of the lens. One of these lenses will catch ALL of the light coming through the LCD so your screen image will be brighter. Also, because the focal length will be pretty short, you can get a nice big image on your screen without the projector having to be more than a few feet from your screen. Good to use in a small bedroom.

Here's a good one that I have used....

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

You can find it at T.V. Projection Lens 114mm F1.3

and the diameter is big enough for a PSOne LCD.

Hey Guys, thanks for the reply's!

Cookie, all i have is the parts ATM, just need to order the LCD from the u.k.
The distance from the projector to the screen will be about 3 meters, maybe a little less.

i spoke to my dad, and wene he gets home we will find a good lens,
on the Durts pj i have the lens and it says on it:
the f is really high, and the lens aint so big, so i aint gonna toouch it.

BTW what is the biggest size screen i can project at a 3 meter distance?

Thanks, David

With the 114mm Focal length lens used with a 5 inch lcd, the projection lens has to be about 5 feet 8 inches away from the screen to get a 72 inch diagonal image.

Only two and a half feet with a 50mm projection lens, it might block what you can see.


The image size depends on the focal length of the lens and the size of the LCD you are projecting.

Here's a little calculator you might find helpful
Which projection lens do I need? .....

Good Luck.

tgreenwood ,

Thanks for the response.

The lens I ordered was from DIYPJC and it is the one Alan was using in his "cube" protoype. His description of the lens on his order page was pretty vague and stated a FL of 1-2" but, the picture on his site of the lens was identical to the picture you posted. He states his is Fuji and yours is US optics Delta II. I guess it is possible that the same lens was created for two different companies or someone borrowed a picture. I will just have to wait until I get it . No worries for $10.00 total. It should be fun to play with . Since DIYPJC has been shutdown by LL
I can't attach his image and description for comparison. Anyway, thanks again for the help.

So i went to the link you sent, and i put in;

1. size of the object to be projected: 5 inches

2. desired size of the projected image: 5.8 feet (= 70 inches, but it will probbly be 60 inches)

3. distance from the lens to the screen: 9.8 feet

what i got was:

Focal Length Required: 7.8 inches = 198mm

so whats the closest size lens i can get?

David Resnik

An 8 to 9 inch lens should work well, the trick is to find one, but, you are very lucky.....

Item No: L3384
Price: $12.00

A 9 inch lens, according to the calculator, will give you a 60 inch image with a 5 inch LCD.

Copy lenses are made to image a sheet of paper up to 14 inches long, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting the whole LCD to show up on the screen, and if you decide to upgrade to a larger LCD in the future, this lens should work beautifully.

Thanks for the link, i am most probbly going to order it, its cheap, just waiting for a reply from them regarding shpping price to israel.

now for the fresnal, do i need one on each side of the lcd? my dad said only 1, between the light and lcd, and thats what i saw at
could i use this one? it has 300mm FL and its size is 7"x10" ( first one on top)

last thing i need help with is the condenser, what i have is about 83 mm in diameter and its from the Durst 609 projector, can i use it?

David Resnik


  • condenser .jpg
    condenser .jpg
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The fresnel between the light and the LCD is used as a condenser, so if you use the condenser lens from the Durst 609, it would be used as a precondenser to get as much light as possible on the fresnel.

Since it came out of that slide projector you know that it can take a lot of heat and can be placed close to your lamp. Will you be using the lamp and lamp assembly from the Durst 609? The bulb life may not be long, but I bet the replacement lamps will be cheap if you can find a good supply . I don't know how old the slide projector may be, or how easy it would be to get new lamps.

Using that condenser lens will probably help protect the plastic fresnel and the LCD from heat. Make sure you have a good fan anyway. LCD's and fresnels can't take as much heat as slides can.

You'll have to do some experimentation to find out how far to place the precondenser from the lamp to get the best light coverage on the fresnel. Make everything adjustable.

As far as fresnels go, see if you can find a "page magnifier" from an office supply store or something similar closer to where you live. It may be cheaper than ordering one from 3dlens after shipping. The 3dlens one is only 0.4mm thick and might be difficult to keep upright and flat in your projector.

A fresnel between the LCD and the projection lens may not be absolutely necessary, but it sure can help the brightness of the image. It is used to direct the light from the LCD into the projection lens. I recommend using one.

im not going to use the light assembly from the durst PJ.
Iv'e been searching around for a frensal and i can find in israel, i also found out that office depot here stoped importing them a year ago, so im going to have to order the fresnal from i will fine a way to keep it upright..

now for the lcd part, is the vga hack diffrent on the pal lcd?
and is there s video input on it besides the composite and vga?

as for a light im going to use a 250-450 watt halogen light bulb, and i have enough fans to keep the temp's down on the light and lcd.


I haven't bothered with the VGA hack on my PSOne LCD so I don't know if it will work on the PAL version or not. My PSOne LCD only has a miniplug input for composite, I had to get a camcorder av cable to be able to plug my DVD player into it.

No Svideo input on mine. Some models did have the three RCA composite jacks on it though.

If you still haven't found a projection lens you want, check out post 12 on this thread
DIY Projectors >all you pro's . He is using closeup filters used in photography for a projection lens. Your dad may have some, or definitely knows where to get them.

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