Scheduled for feasibility study Home page threads not changing (from bold) when clicked on

This issue is considered important and has been scheduled for further investigation or feasibility as time and priorities allow
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Won’t this be moot when we get the front page formatted?

Or are you going to try to fit a bold thread title in the space available?

I don’t find this feature particularily useful. It is right only a little bit better than mu watch’s fall detection (not good). I’d be as happy with plain text all the time.

Joined 2000
Paid Member
Previously we had a link style change on read, and we still do. Whether it's a color, bold, size, or some other cue, I'd like for that feature and UX helper to still exist.

As for why we went from a color change to bold / unbold, that's another story. But yes as you say it will be swept up in the aesthetic review that will come after Christmas and after we've got everything functionally working right. Function before form in this case, if people can bear with us for a month or two.
Joined 2015
Paid Member

I also noticed this issue. If I read a new thread and then use the browser (Chrome) back button to return to the home screen, it typically stays bold. However, it does eventually change. If I go to the Solid State forum and then return to the home screen, it usually updates to show what I have read. I say usually as in 'not always'. I actually tried it with this thread, where I navigated in and out several times and it stayed bold. Then I went to another forum and when I returned to the home screen this thread no longer showed bold. Cheers.

Joined 2012
Paid Member
It did not until I explicitly refreshed the page.
Do we think this is an issue? Default browser behaviour in most cases is that when you click a back button it re-renders the page it had previously and does not go to the server and request a new page. We can force the page to expire and thus alter the browser behaviour but I'm wondering if this is in fact worthwhile?


Joined 2003
Paid Member
Do we think this is an issue? Default browser behaviour in most cases is that when you click a back button it re-renders the page it had previously and does not go to the server and request a new page. We can force the page to expire and thus alter the browser behaviour but I'm wondering if this is in fact worthwhile?
Yes, worthwhile.

The "former" software, when told BACK, fetched the current status, not some stale status.

This was refreshing because most other forums serve the stale status. I thought this one forum was doing it right. Now it isn't.

Somewhere (here??) someone said that needing the Back button is a sign of a failed user interface. However in a suburb, the trashman often backs-out of short streets because it is shorter than going to the end and turning around. And until recent browser "improvements", the BACK function was right there (I broke my FFox as soon as BackSpace stopped being Back), and is often the shortest and most mind-friendly way to walk a forum.