Hornresp 55.1 on Wine 8.0

Has anyone had any success installing Hornresp 55.1 on Wine 8.0? I am stuck with the lack of the "MS Sans Serif" font. I've downloaded it (micross.ttf) and installed it manually to /usr/share/wine/font, /usr/share/fonts, and even to the drive_c/windows/Fonts folder but it fails to be recognised.
What Allen said. Try this or some variation. Personally, I don't do it there but in the /usr/share/truetype/msttcorefonts directory with symlinks if I have to or just copying the old fonts file in there, etc. Just a couple examples of the "some assembly required" usual linux life... People have things running a lot of different ways :)
@grindstone After taking one on the chin for my apparent blindness I had a glimmer of hope with the possibility that I was simply using the wrong font file. Alas, it still didn't recognise the font but I then quickly realised that I had used sudo to copy the fonts so they were owned by root. Changing ownership fixed it, life and everything. Sweet! That post was essentially what I needed so many thanks.
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