Resolved - Implemented I'd like more than 10,000 characters in a post

For a total character count, to get all characters visible including formatting BB code hiding behind the plain text, click on the 'Toggle BB code' in the upper right corner of the text editing box.

diyAudio - Toggle BB code.jpg

What is BB code:

To get the character count, in addition to earlier mentioned copy paste into a text editor, get an extension for your browser that can count words and characters, something like this for Chrome like browsers: same for Firefox like browsers:
One can also check whether a post goes above 10000 character limit by clicking on the 'Preview' button in the upper right corner, it will complain if above.

diyAudio - Toggle Preview.jpg
Joined 2000
Paid Member
This thread is about working around a specific forum flaw ;)
It's a feature not a bug :)

If there was no upper limit on the length of a post you could end up with some very long, messy, problematic threads.

I have increased the max character size of a post from 10,000 characters to 20,000.

When there is a deluge of 10,001 to 20,000 character posts ruining the forum, I will blame Allen and insist he buys me the first beer when we meet. But I don't think that's going to happen.

Thread renamed and marked as implemented ;)
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