Is there a simple way to determine the frequency response of a microphone?

Hi all,

my name is Detlef from Germany and I hope to find help here, although I'm not sure if I'm in the right place.

I'm working on a project (hobby) that involves determining the audio characteristics of a historical base station microphone (Turner+3, CB radio/HAM radio) and reproducing them with current electronic components.

The idea is to feed the microphone with a suitable sweep or noise signal via a loudspeaker that is as linear as possible and then carry out an FFT analysis with my oscilloscope on the microphone capsule and the preamplifier stages. I'm not interested in dB-accurate measurements, but rather in visualising the filter characteristics of the individual stages as an approximation.

Firstly, I tried to find the most linear loudspeaker in my inventory. I used a USB measurement microphone (UMM-6) on my laptop, REW and my best speaker. As expected, the linearity result was not optimal.

The next step is to optimise the linearity. Here I thought the possibilities of the REW equaliser module would be a good way to generate a correction file for a software DSP. CamillaDSP seemed to be a good choice as a DSP....

Unfortunately, the two applications REW and CamillaDSP seem very complex to me at this point at the latest, so that I cannot see any usable result due to the unmanageable abundance of parameters to be set.

I would therefore like to ask you to give me a little help. A much simpler solution would be best, which unfortunately I have not yet discovered.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards


(Translated with DeepL)
Long time ago (around 1992) I purchase the DAAS3NT (CAD system like MLSSA for measuring loudspeakers) from this company:

It was a very early version (for DOS and Windows 3.11/95/97) of this newer versions:

The description of this measuring system also described (if I remember correctly) how to calibrate microphones with own unknown frequency response in order to save exact loudspeaker frequency responses.

Maybe Mr. Jürgen Ultee can provide the right support to you or can call you appropriate URLs therefore.
juergenQultee-audiotechnik_com (please replace "Q" and "_" by the correct signs)
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