Is this a gimmick?

I trust the contributors on this thread are feeling better after expossing scan speaker over there apparently rediculis oval overpriced tweeter/midrange. Now the cats out of the bag,they will have no choice but to discontue that oval line in favor of something more sensible.
Why not square voice coils and poles?
Been there, done that. Even had one with a plus sign shaped voice coil...I doubt I could have gotten that into mass production, it was more a concept to drive more contact line on a flat diaphragm. The "square" coils really have to have somewhat rounded corners, again an experiment with a square flat diaphragm. I didn't really see advantage versus round coils considering the far huger tooling and production costs. The flat honeycomb diaphragms now those had some really good off axis response as I might have mentioned earlier.
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Reminiscent of d'Appolito and line array?
The advantage would lie in the horizontal bundling, which results in a more accurate two-channel image. But I think it would makes sense to use this for midrange and bass drivers too;-)
A vertical mounted speaker arrangement has no issue with
Horizontal because there is no speaker mounted next to it.

So crossover if below piston directivity.
Horizontal to 100 degrees pretty easy to do.

Appolito wont make horizontal better or worse
than any other vertical mounting.
The crossover dictates what it does.

The problem is vertical.
And appolito pretty much makes center
to center spacing = default more horrible.
Or lowers the crossover to some impossible
value for most tweeters.

Same with oval speaker.
Horizontal is easy.
Youd use the smaller cone area
for vertical.

But as mentioned.
The mounting rings are too big
anyways to take advantage of it.
So= who cares.

Distortion would have to be amazing
to justify the cost then.
And if the low frequency distortion is improved.
Then it justifies whatever low frequency crossover is needed
for whatever horrible center to center spacing people think
is magical