Looking for a couple of decent 6V6G tubes for a project, as much about 'form' as 'function'.

As per the title, I'm looking for a couple (2, 3, 4, ??) of the 6V6G 'coke-bottle' type tubes for a project I'm working on.

This project will be a 'clone' of the Fender Tweed 'Champ' amp, but a 'chassis only' unit, no speaker or enclosure. So, the chassis will sit atop what ever speaker cabinet gets chosen. As it will be fully visible, I'd like to give it some 'aesthetic' value as well, so I thought using a 6V6G might be kind of 'interesting'.....from a 'looks' standpoint.

So, if anyone can help, please email me at Wharfcreek at Outlook dot com.

Many thanks,

Tom D.