Mini plate-amp for DIY pc-speaker

HI all.

I won 4 little full-range speaker drivers. And for the fun of it, I would like to mate them with a little plate-amp of the like, for some pc-speakers - two drivers in each. I know I could maybe way more successfully buy something finished and done, but it's for fun and DIY, so here we go.

Anyone know of some little plate-amp with maybe a build in DSP or simple EQ of sorts?

I don't mind separate psu or maybe even having the amp in separate enclosure. Two channel and preferably full range programmable DSP.
@digitalthor the Sure/Wondom JAB5 you mentioned in your ebay-Link actually works really well. I have built several projects with exactly this board, from a mini 2.1-bluetooth speaker up to 3-way floor standers.

Don't be fooled though, the actual amplifier board costs around 60-70 EUR (have alook at the selectable options in your ebay offer), and you need at least the programmer if you want to change anything about the predefined DSP setup that is otherwise pretty unusable. Once you get the programmer, the DSP software Sigma Studio is well-documented and offers a point-and-click UI for a huge selection of DSP audio processing blocks that can be configured freely and should satisfy even quite complex processing needs.

Oh, and get the "functional cable pack", that simplifies getting the whole thing to work tremendously.
There's no power supply included either, but a simple fanless switching power supply from MeanWell does the trick. You don't need to go all the way to a 400W power supply if you don't intend to use the full 100wpc on all four channels - the board runs nicely on 200W/36V in a typical active 2-way or 2.1-scenario.

There's also a Wondom JAB4 that's a bit cheaper, fanless and offers all the DSP/Bluetooth tricks that JAB5 can do, albeit with "only" 30wpc, which could very well be all you need for some small fullrangers...