Movies or TV Shows Where Audiophile Equipment Are Seen

Madame (2017, directed by Amanda Sthers). At 1:08:10 a tube amplifier with blueish glow is seen behind the high-class character played by Harvey Keitel. Perhaps some speaker appears in a later scene.


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“Y’all gotta go to the big room for that”
Anyone who spent even a minor amount of time in the retail audio trade in the late ‘70s to mid ‘80s can definitely relate to that.
I loved how Judge nailed the ease with which Ken could read his customers and deliver exactly the service they deserved. I wonder how many of the audience realizes his character’s name was the same as a very well respected audio journalist whose career was well established when this satire came out.

For a short period of time there were at least 6 shops within a three block radius of Yates/Douglas/Fort St in my home town, several with their own house brands of speaker that would make the X-1 look like a Bose Wave Radio. Only one of those is still in operation at a different location, but still within the downtown core, then there’s that specialty shop at “the junction”.
The Price is Right :)
Amongst all the lower end cabinet systems, I've seen 2 old episodes with high end brand equipment and a couple new episodes. I can't remember the brand on the old episodes, it was Luxman or something similar. On a new episode my wife was a bit shocked when they showed the wide shot of the stage with a bunch of prizes and I said "Oh, Cambridge Audio".
The Answer Man: the writer Arlen Faber (Jeff Daniels) puts on a 45 rpm single on his turntable, its thick persplex platter glows in green, the Ortofon cart is lowered, then suddenly he gots a pain in the back, he is not able to get up from the floor, and the record is played over and over.
Anybody recognized the gear?