• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

On Line Tube Learning for newbies....

4th edition Radiotron Designers Handbook

Complete in pdf format, 1952 copyright.
This is what the owner of the site says about the copyright;

- Does it violate copyright law? No. The copyright is 1953 and copyright in Canada lasts for 50 years. That was up in 2003. If someone *had* bought the copyright before then and renewed it, it did not show up on a copyright search I did *before* I added these files here.


I just got a copy of the book Basic Elecronics by Van Valkenburgh, Neville and Nooger (all 6 parts in one volume). I have read the power supply section so far, and have found that it has a lot of information and is easy to read. The versio that I have is the British and Commonwealth version, published by the Technical Press in London.

I highly recommend this bok, and it looks like the Librarys in Britain are selling off their copys. I am now on the lookout for Basic Electrics and Basic Solid State Electronics.

anybody please hepl me !
Im have 4 choke Tresco 6H 120 mmA , so can use for Tube pream ? Because some choke can not use for Audio but this cant check it on intenet.
Please hepl me !
here :


  • t_choke_6_h_125_madc_tresco_254.jpg
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Hi all.

I think this thread is absolutely great!!!.

Firstly, as has already been said, BEWARE HIGH VOLTAGES!. This can't be stressed enough. The basic kit you need is simple enough. Scope, millivoltmeter, multimeter and signal generator. That's the technical stuff, now the other. Calculator, pencil with sharpener (trust me, you'll need this) and lots of paper. The fundamental in all this is Ohm's law. Work it out first on paper, then attempt to build it. Last 2 pieces of kit that I insist on using. These come from my days as a TV engineer in the 70's. ISOLATING TRANSFORMER AND RUBBER MATTING AROUND THE BENCH. Seems like overkill, but life comes before a quest!!.

If you are interested in any more info then please ask.
