Operational delays at CDG?

Unfortunately this has been the case for the last 2 months. When we've asked about the cause they gave us the usual answers (Covid, Black Friday, people buying stuff for Christmas yadda yadda).

The bad news is we've had some orders take up to 12 business days to reach the other side of the atlantic so I am afraid it's all working as intended. The good news is your order has not been lost, it's probably sitting somewhere in Paris waiting to find some space on an US-bound plane.
The saga continues. I see more details for the delivery and the delivery destination is not the town I live in.

The postal code on the order I placed is correct but the city name showing for the delivery destination is incorrect and is 100 miles from where I live.

My postal code is xx21x but the city showing for delivery has postal code xx12x, so either FedEx has misread the postal code or the two digits were transposed on the shipment.

Hopefully I can get a correction by FedEx so it is delivered to me rather than returned to the sender or disappearing in limbo. Or, worse, delivered to some mystery recipient in the town 100 miles away because then it will say the package is delivered, and true, but it won't be to me. Then it will be more hoops to jump through and more delays.
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