Posts per page....

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Joined 2001
Paid Member
This option is settable in your User CP (control panel), but the default has been 15. In a move to test the hypothsis that fewer posts per page will help fight ballooning diyAudio traffic the default is going to be turned down.

Members may want to play with the settings and let us know, what number best works for you. As the data rolls in we will report on whether the hypotesis was correct.

Pedja said:
I just can not see more than 10 posts per page.

Typing manualy address has not any effect (still 10 posts).

In my User CP, "Default Posts per Thread" stays at "Forum Default". When I change it to "Show Posts per Page" (?), it won't save it.

Pedja, please read webmaster's statement a couple of posts above here. It's a hard limit of 10 posts at the moment.
One thing that would really help save traffic esp among power forum surfers who have nothing better to do at work :xeye: is allow the posts in a thread to be posted newest first. It's very nice to have all the new posts stuck to the top, and to not have to go into a thread and then click for the last page.

Something I’ve used at other forums anyway.

Also attaching images is nice and all, but I wonder how much traffic (and drive space) that must use up.
officeboy said:
Also attaching images is nice and all, but I wonder how much traffic (and drive space) that must use up.
This is the point that generates quite some traffic I would say. Would be a good idea to have some sort of limited features for everybody and some special features for those willing to pay a small fee(showing their support for diya at the same time). I don't know what kind of fee would do tho... That's something the mods will have to agree on.
As about the LIFO thread model I can only disagree with. As a forum default I mean. Anyway, the VBB doesn't have it as a standard option as I know it. Could be that there is a hack for this...
just connected to DIY again (can´t reach it from homeanymore) and tried for 5 minutes to reset the 10 posts per page until I found this thread.
I don´t really like the 10 posts per page and don´t really understand the reason behind this.
I would think it ok to keep as a default but it should be possible to change it.

Joined 2000
Paid Member
Just FYI, here is a snapshot of 2GB of traffic from yesterday. As you can see, attachments are the main source of bandwidth usage. Big pages with lots of attachments are a bandwidth hog. Dan is working on some innovative ways to keep the traffic down and restore things to normal.

1,005.66 MB, 24181 hits - /forums/attachment
471.45 MB, 42721 hits - /forums/showthread
155.89 MB, 8781 hits - /forums/forumdisplay
95.55 MB, 37603 hits - /forums/custom_avatars/avatar
42.87 MB, 4309 hits - /forums/t-
39.80 MB, 4815 hits - /
31.16 MB, 14055 hits - /graphics/lumenlab-logo
27.62 MB, 4397 hits - /forums/search
17.14 MB, 15427 hits - /graphics/christmas%20logo
15.57 MB, 1188 hits - /index.php?
12.50 MB, 1026 hits - /forums/f-
9.11 MB, 1225 hits - /forums/newreply
7.86 MB, 3504 hits - /graphics/spkr
7.85 MB, 6137 hits - /css/styles
7.52 MB, 3507 hits - /graphics/spkl
6.97 MB, 10037 hits - /forums/newthread
5.17 MB, 8549 hits - /forums/reply
5.16 MB, 547 hits - /forums/
3.50 MB, 13816 hits - /forums/vb_bullet
3.29 MB, 260 hits - /forums/index
Maybe some way of converting images to links that will pop up in a new window? So that they don't just load every time a thread is viewed?
Or some kind of hide tag that will "fold open" with the picture in it and won't load the image till the “show” tag is clicked.
And example of what I mean by a hide tag is used here as “spoiler” tags.
officeboy said:
Maybe some way of converting images to links that will pop up in a new window? So that they don't just load every time a thread is viewed?
Or some kind of hide tag that will "fold open" with the picture in it and won't load the image till the “show” tag is clicked.
And example of what I mean by a hide tag is used here as “spoiler” tags.
That would be nice, just that what you think about the spoiler is not what it is actually.
The text within the spoiler is loaded all the time from the site, it is just not being displayed automatically.
While the behavior can be changed so that it loads the stuff dynamically from the website through some embedded iframe or a frame(and it will work very nice too), I don't think it would same that much traffic since it is not the text that generates the bulk of the traffic.
For the images, having a link for showing the attachment within the same window using some short javascript would be the best. Keep in mind, within the same window. I find it very annoying to have the image in a different window than the text that might describe what is in that image when the code to load the img from the server is pretty short and easy.

As for the avatars, I would kick them out immediately as they are ~20% of the text and I find that a lot. In one month there will be 3GB only for avatars. And the avaras are useless!

I might not be much of a use here @ diya from the electronic point of view but if you got some questions about anything db/programming/website, I think I can solve/"hack" anything, so it's up to you if you wanna ask.
roibm said:

The text within the spoiler is loaded all the time from the site, it is just not being displayed automatically.

Yeah, I know that (I also do a bit of webwork myself), but what i meant was if the button could be hacked to include a bit of java that only loaded the image when clicked. That could save a lot of extra traffic.

Also what about a mirror system setup for images?
People could volunteer some server space and a round robin setup could be used to cycle through volunteered servers, eventually loading the image off somewhere else, or if no mirrored servers were available defaulting back to's server.
officeboy said:
Yeah, I know that (I also do a bit of webwork myself), but what i meant was if the button could be hacked to include a bit of java that only loaded the image when clicked. That could save a lot of extra traffic.
Not only save traffic but make it faster too.
And it is straughtforward: instead of loading the attached pic, load blind.gif instead and using a anchor or a button(or whatever) set the img.src to the attached pic using javascript.
roibm said:

As for the avatars, I would kick them out immediately as they are ~20% of the text and I find that a lot. In one month there will be 3GB only for avatars. And the avaras are useless!

I personnally think that avatars are cool. :D I also think that we, as a community, must do our share to ensure that this site will be able to survive. As a first step, I have removed my avatar and I urge others to do the same.

Also, as I said previously, I'm not a big fan of 10 posts per page but I can live with it if that's going to have a positive impact on the bandwith used by this web site.

Let's all take a few steps to ensure that this wonderful resource lives on.
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