QCC514x chip series programming general discussion

I am trying to get an understanding of how to program the QCC5141/QCC5144 chip. I need to write code for both the application subsystem and kalimba subsystem. I will soon get a development board for QCC5141 (I don't have it yet). Would anyone with experience programming this chip like to discuss some basics? So far I don't have any hardware but I have installed all the required software (as far as I can tell). I have the ADK, ADK Toolkit and MDE 2.8. I loaded the basic_passthrough project of atil_standard_oem_earbud-ADK21.1 in MDE. I can now see a number of folders in the project pane in the left, where I believe the "loopback" folder contains the code for the Application subsystem and "download_passthrough" folder contains the code for the Kalimba DSP. There are a lot of compiler error messages in the IDE for files inside "download_passthrough" (header file not found). Could someone please explain to me what else I can do at this point now? I opened the "loopback.x2w" workspace file inside "example_apps\loopback\workspace\QCC5144-AA_DEV-BRD-R2-AA" in MDE. Why are there so many folders/subfolders in the projects pane? Am I missing any other software that can help me understand this more? Is someone more experienced willing to discuss this here?
Hey mahaju,
I'm working on the same development board (QCC5144 SoC). Can you guide me through the basic SDK downloads? I'm having issues finding the required softwares.
I loaded the basic_passthrough project of atil_standard_oem_earbud-ADK21.1 in MDE.
I have the MDE and ADK installed, could you tell me where did u find the atil_standard_oem_earbud-ADK21.1 repo so i can access the example apps?