Redisplay of Acoustic Sound Fields in AKABAK 3

Hi All
I am very new to AKABAK 3, although I have used AKABAK 2.1 for a while. My question is, after I have calculated and displayed the sound fields generated from the AKABAK 3 model, closed the model and saved it. How do I get AKABAK 3 to redisplay the sound field data without recalculating (takes hours)? I see there is an *.AKBPE file that I have tried to reload, but no responses show up.
I have the Student Version.

Thanks for your help.
If you save the project it will store all the BEM results which are the time consuming part to calculate. Once you close down and reload you would have to recalculate the Fields and Spectrum, neither of those should take very long.

Other than taking screenshots I haven't found a way to save the field views.
Nodes and planes are good for square boxes and rooms. For anything else I use Fusion360 export to step and mesh in GMSH, it needs to be the the version 2 mesh file when exported from gmsh for AKABAK to read it. Making a good mesh in GMSH is also quite the learning curve.
This is my first attempt at AKABAK 3, so be gentle. These are screen shots at 16, 24, 32, 64, 128 and 256 Hz. The enclosure was designed by Hornresp for an Offset Dual Kef B-139 Drivers. I took the parameters from HR and created an AutoCAD dwg. From that I created the Model in AKABAK 3 by hand. I largely used the JBL Back loaded Horn (Bogart) from the examples for help with the modeling.


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1. How do I limit the input power to a fixed voltage or power level?
You can set a voltage in an Le Script, but it is kind of irrelevant when looking at Directivty and overall response which is what these simulations are most useful for.
2. What is a good number to use for wall impedance.
Depends entirely on the surface you are attempting to model. In a room Gypsum board uses 0.1.