RIP Siegfried Linkwitz

Siegfried Linkwitz RIP

I was sad to learn this morning that Siegfried Linkwitz has passed. It was an honor to have first met Siegfried at Burning Amp 10 or 11 years ago, then visiting his vacation home at Sea Ranch a couple of years ago for a speaker design open house. He was brilliant yet very patient with someone as dense as I when describing his designs. He will be sorely missed by his friends in the audio community.

Siegfried Linkwitz RIP |
Very sad to read this news. :(

My condolences to his family and friends.

While I never met or spoke to him, I did read a lot of his work, in particular his brilliant linkwitz lab website, which is a goldmine of information, ideas and musings on sound and audio, and really is required reading for any DIY'er new to audio and even those who have been around for a while and want to take their understanding of audio and speaker design up a level.

I think I've read every article on his site multiple times over the years, (as well as many printed articles years before that) and given this news it must be time for another re-read to brush up again.

I also remember participating in a number of threads on this forum over the years discussing and debating various aspects of his work - while I didn't always agree with his position on some things (mainly the more subjective areas of how measurements correlate to hearing, which is an area of a lot of debate among even the experts) he always did a good job of explaining why he thought something was so.

Not many people can claim to have their name in a piece of fundamental building block technology that is so widely used like the Linkwitz Riley crossover... I look at my current speakers, only finished this year and they have.... a 4th order Linkwitz Riley crossover in one of his ideas is in use every time I sit down to listen to some music. :)

One of those inventions that is elegant and somewhat "obvious" in hindsight, except nobody thought of it before he did... so if for no other reason, 20, 50 years and more from now he will still be remembered by those in the audio design/DIY community, just like we still remember other important figures in the history of electronics and electrical fundamentals, many whose names are now units of measurement or names of fundamental pieces of technology.

High quality audio seems to be an industry that is somewhat in decline in the last 20 years or so thanks to a general apathy from the public who are content to listen to their iPhone with earbuds, so it does make me sad as pioneers in the field who genuinely care about sound quality gradually pass away seemingly without anyone to pass the torch to. Who will be the Siegfried Linkwitz of the next generation to help invent or discover the next important discovery in the field of audio ?

Finally, if any of his family are reading this, please don't let his website go offline, there is far too much valuable information and thoughtful prose within and it would be a terrible shame if it were to disappear from something as trivial as the web hosting lapsing.

In this modern world where everything is online and digital with not much in hard print, it's very worrying to me that so much of that which we take for granted is ultimately very temporal - unlike a photo, magazine or printed article which remains in your possession for as long as you choose to keep it, a website is very much a temporal thing that could disappear without trace at any time.

There are people out there right now who are just getting into audio or who don't even know yet that they will be interested in audio soon who will benefit greatly from reading the numerous articles, designs and musings on Linkwitz Lab.
Oh dear. RIP guru Siegfried. That is a real blow.

I built his first active design in the late 70's, published in Wireless World, and his last big design, the LX521.

Fortunately his excellent website is safe, SL handed management of his site over some time ago to Frank (see post 104).
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
couldn't find this one in my PC, the other day


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