Something to lighten the mood

Don't the Chinese say: "May you live in interesting times." :cool:

I'm not underestimating the downside of right now. But we currently have much fresher air and clearer blue skies than I can remember recently. It's quiet. Bumblebees are bumbling about doing whatever they do. It's glorious. :D

People are being nice to each other. Saying "Good Morning" to strangers even in Cities.

It's just this flipping Pigeon getting on my nerves. Its eating the blossom off my plum tree. :mad:

Everybody gets excited about this tree in August. Covered in Plums. I always say to passers by: "Help Yourself".

Only time I got a bit annoyed is when one Chap wanted to know if they were "Organic". Really! :confused:
pop it with a pellet gun, clean and store in freezer until plums are ready then.....
BBQ Pigeon Breast, Caramelised Plums and Plum Sauce | Love2BBQ - a UK BBQ blog dedicated to all things BBQ

perfect circle :D
...we currently have much fresher air and clearer blue skies than I can remember recently. It's quiet. Bumblebees are bumbling about doing whatever they do. It's glorious. :D
Along the same lines, I went for a walk the other day, and saw and heard more birds than I have in decades. It was like being taken back to my childhood - I used to hear birds constantly back then.

Joined 2004
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Starsbucks will give you a free "pupachino" filled with whipped cream if you ask. Our dogs love it. We split one cup three ways--got two Corgis in the back seat.


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Among the most noticable improvements I've noticed is the lack of diesel fumes.
Mass media reported on similar improvements to air quality in China after the authorities locked down everything in Hubei ( Climate change: The planet is a beneficiary of coronavirus - CNN ).

Now that a good chunk of the world has implemented similar measures, air quality must be getting much better globally. A small silver lining in an otherwise very dark cloud.

Imperial College pandemic modelling suggests the peak of the pandemic will be in June or July, depending on how effective our quarantine measures are. In other words, the situation will continue to get worse for at least another three months, barring a miracle.

But staying in keeping with the theme of this thread, I've been enjoying the vastly reduced traffic. I get home in half the time now, compared to two months ago.

Here's a squirrel who partied too well on fermented pumpkins: YouTube

Joined 2004
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You're lucky Neil. It can be hard to get dogs to share things.

I probably shouldn't say this, but the bigger problem is getting my wife to share with the dogs. Every two or three days I go out and get her a skinny mocha with extra whip, plus a pupachino in case she needs even more whip. For a while, she put some of the pupachino in her coffee and let the dogs share the rest. But lately the dogs have caught on and as soon as they see that expresso cup they start crowding her and guilt her into sharing. Pack mentality at work... But when we are in the car, the dogs always win.
Continuing on the squirrel theme, an American company makes a family of bird-feeders designed to thwart squirrels.

One of these, the Yankee Flipper, has a built in weight sensor, battery, and electric motor; if it detects the weight of a squirrel, the motor springs into action to fling the squirrel off the feeder.

I *like* squirrels, but this is still pretty hilarious: YouTube

Bigger breasts are nice.
more bluetits
I know during lock down our minds tend to wander but we do have rules about this sort of banter here.
I probably shouldn't say this, but the bigger problem is getting my wife to share with the dogs.
Thanks, I now have to clean my screen.
Yeah, he's a diyAudio member, and you've had to clean up a few of his drunken posts. :D
I thought I recognized him. Didn't we have to put him in the Sin Bin a couple times?