Sony micro plug

Hi all,

Sony back in the 90's was using a so called Micro Plug to connect their earphones to the remote control and then to their walkmans of that era.
The plug is looking like the picture attached.

I have a few Sony walkmans and I need to build an adapter "Sony Micro-plug" to "female 2.5mm regular phono plug".
Does someone know how this type of plug is called so I can look it up in mouser, or digikey? sony micro plug.JPG
Hi Galu,

yeap I saw that one but it looks like the site is a left-over and not operational anymore (cannot add to cart and checkout).
I was hoping this type of plug was not a "Sony" proprietary custom plug and that it would exist with some other code name in electronic parts stores like digikey etc...

Actually, the plug shown at the "" site, is a custom one, not a Sony genuine plug, so it looks like those guys found somewhere the plug and built the adapter themselves...

Wanted to do the same for me.
Assuming you want to connect a standard earphone jack to the player, 2 suggestions.
1 - replace the jack on the Walkman with a standard jack. If one will fit.
2 - remove the original jack, connect an inline std jack using a hard wired cable.
Either would make it long term usable.
3 - make an adaptor using the plug and cable from Sony defunct earphones.