Resolved - Implemented Stopping Forum Spammers

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@mondogenerator AFAIK, all posts were always public, even in the old site. I just tested it, and you need to be logged in to see user account pages. So your account info is as "safe" as it ever was.

The issue at hand is how easy spammers can sign up. Sometimes it's bots. Sometimes it's actual people who get paid pennies to spend their days creating accounts and posting links for spammer SEO. The more links you post, the more you get paid. This sort of thing is hard to combat.

Up until a couple of days ago member accounts were visible publicly unless the member changed their privacy settings.

This has now been changed, all member accounts are now hidden from public view unless they have logged onto the site. You can increase your privacy via your account settings.
Not sure if it's been mentioned but part of the issue will be that XenForo is just a larger audience. More people in the target group, so more resources dedicated to it.

Yes, very true, also it's the ease of creating an account without a second step verification process or human intervention which seems to be the default configuration for many xenforo forums.

I made a suggestion in post #14 to enable the send a verification email with a link to complete the account creation process, This should stop bots creating accounts.
Some members were concerned about privacy and what spammers were exploiting.
The attached image is from a profile created by the typical SEO (search engine optimiser) spammer. Unil recently all member profiles were viewable without being logged in.
Adding to this the forum in general is been indexed by webcrawlers and search engines so we can find things on the internet. SEO spammers exploit this on forums where the profile is scraped by these indexers, so in their account profile they include keywords, website info and weblinks knowing that the indexers will collect this information to increase views and hits on search engines and thus increasing the visibilty of their website.....on the premise more clicks = more $$$


  • SEO_Spammer.png
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Here is another spammer (account reported) that created an account 20min ago, its been going around for a few months and has setup accounts at a number of forums. All the Bing search results are forums.

As a twist, this Bot managed to setup an account at Github (deleted) and is only visible via Bing's cache.

🤖 are very efficient.


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I already reported that one. Its quite easy to spot whether the newest-joined member is potentially a spammer. On the homepage box to the right mouse over the 'Latest Member' and if it shows they're updating their profile in the pop-up box then that's likely a spammer. Real users prefer to get stuck into the forum or do PMs.
Yeah, it took me about 10mins whilst I was searching around and in the process of reporting it. It made me laugh that it created a Github account.

Real users prefer to get stuck into the forum or do PMs.

You would think so.......but you would be surprised on how many really old accounts logon to the forum and never the current visitors list

If I don't see them on the front page I can catch them on the "view members list" bottom left corner coloured sqaures. The problem is I don't know if its in realtime or a delayed summary, but its been useful.

What really scares me is the number of 🤖 creating :zombie: accounts....
Someone else caught this one, I saw it earlier (I had my suspicions), another zombie dies - linh568

This is how persistent 🤖 can be in creating accounts, the above account was deleted sometime yesterday, a couple of hours ago another account was generated with the same first four characters and just changed the last four. All the Bing search results are forum infections. It's difficult to kill a :zombie:
See attached.


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Currently spammers are exploiting a loophole in the forum where new accounts automatically default to be publicly viewable.

@wintermute: you can change the default member account creation settings in - admin - setup - options - user registration

The first mitigation strategy should be to disable in user registration "View this user's profile page details" from "All Visitors" to "Members Only".
Great suggestion. Implemented, members-only now for all those.

Here is another setting that should slow the spammers down if its not already enabled.
We are indeed using that.
Captcha is built into the forum software but is not enabled, but Captcha can be defeated.
We are using reCaptcha V2, StopForumSpam, and thanks to the hard work and tireless dedication of the mods, manual moderation until released.

Thanks, it's been educational if nothing else however it's seems (and not totally unexpected) the SEO spammers are still bypassing these measures, I've reported a couple yesterday and today. In one case the account was deleted only to be recreated the next day with a slight variation to the account name, see post #68.

See the Wikipedia link in post #67 to see the capabilities of spamming software tools.

Not to mention everyday the Spam Bot's are creating numerous zombie accounts in new and inventive ways, also bypassing the updated measures.

Considering the number of accounts that are created everyday (its probably around 10 or so), has there been any considerations to have a human verify the account ?
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We do human verify the accounts when they attempt to post. No posts from new accounts get through without the mod team's permission.

And this has been the case for, I think, the last decade.

The mods have manually vetted quite literally hundreds of thousands of posts over the last decade in order to keep the spammers out and the discussions free of spam.

We have a number of automated tools are our disposal to help guide decisions, but in the end nothing beats a DIYer to sniff out someone who isn't a DIYer.
We do human verify the accounts when they attempt to post. No posts from new accounts get through without the mod team's permission.

And this has been the case for, I think, the last decade.

The mods have manually vetted quite literally hundreds of thousands of posts over the last decade in order to keep the spammers out and the discussions free of spam.

We have a number of automated tools are our disposal to help guide decisions, but in the end nothing beats a DIYer to sniff out someone who isn't a DIYer.

The issue is the spammers never post, they rely on the fact as long as there is no human verification of the account it will disappear into the background never to be seen. The only way you see these type of spammers is when the account appears in the new members list and then go to visually check the account profile.

Here is an example I found today by using a dedicated Bing search, this account is a SEO spammer, because they never posted it just sits there waiting to be scraped by the webcrawlers. This has been the case with all the SEO spammers I have reported, they all have a zero post count.

This SEO spammer account was created on the 14/12, 4 days after the forum update back in December, it has a zero post count and went undetected.

Account -

I have found a few more SEO spammers using this Bing search that I wouldn't been able to do so as a normal user of the forum, the Xenforo management tools allows an admin or mod to perform detailed account searches.
Joined 2004
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The issue is the spammers never post, they rely on the fact as long as there is no human verification of the account it will disappear into the background never to be seen.
Yes, this is our major problem ATM. Spammers know that they can post to their profile page with no approval needed. That's all they need to do to get paid. No newb should be able to post or do anything without moderator approval.
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A couple of updates, thanks for all the suggestions @Indiglo.

  1. We used to ask an audio specific question during registration. After migration we switched to CAPTCHA. We have now gone back to the audio specific question. It's an easy question, but a non-audio person would have to Google the answer, enough to stop spambots picking the low-hanging fruit from 100,000 default XF installations
  2. New, moderated members, now cannot make profile posts at all until they are out of moderation
These two things should make a good dent in both signups and well as any profile spam. The only way new members get out of moderation is through consistent non-fishy posting and human (moderator) determination that are not spammers.
Good news, thanks for the updated changes. I appreciate how difficult and time consuming it is stopping the spammers considering the highly developed software tools they have at their disposal.

I'll keep an eye out in an event that they change their tactics. If all goes well I might post an update in week on how successful the changes have been.
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