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The Equilibrium Project - powered by NAKSAs

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Well, I started out with the good ol' NAKSA 55, then upgraded that to the Nirvana. However, the Nirvana was subsequently traded in for a Lifeforce, and now I have ended up with the NAKSAs!

I started buying a NAKSA 70 to drive the treble/mid sections of the Equilibrium speakers passively. This was the best sound I have ever had! So much more ambience, soundscape and depth than even the Lifeforce, which is still playing happily at one of my friend's house. That fostered the idea to go all active, using only NAKSAs.

And that is where I am now - in the process of wiring up the active x-overs so I can start playing again and enjoy the pure NAKSA sound ;)


Just a small status update on the Equilibrium/NAKSA project:

I have all but finished wiring up the right speaker and will be ready to test in 'full active' mode soon - hopefully within a day or two. I have already done individual tests on treble, mid and bass sections and all seems fine.

Actually, when I tested the bass section yesterday, it was evident that the sound was much clearer and precision much higher with the Ground Sound filters in place instead of my old Behringer DCX2496. Both tests were done with NAKSA 100 'engines' - very promising ;)

More news as things progress ...


Me too, Jens,

This is very good news!! I will have more good news on return to VICTORIA in a couple of days. I'm presently in QLD with friends; just today had a real blast driving a racecar for six laps, wow, even more fun than the motorcycle, and quite a change from my usual 'driving for economy' style.....


Well guys,

Finally got the first speaker going as fully active. Some hum issues cropped up the other day, but they have been resolved (thanks, Hugh!), and I have been testing the righthand side Equilibrium speaker for some 30 minutes today - and all was well :)

All NAKSAs behaved beautifully, and music flowed very nicely - both ends as well as the middle of the sound spectrum were in very good balance, close to equilibrium (hehehe) :D

Meanwhile, I have already started preparing the lefthand side speaker for "activation" ;)


And now - the system is up and running again :D

I got the left speaker wired up and fired up Sunday evening, and - wow!

This is a completely new system! Most notable is the increased precision from top to bottom - and right to left (and back). Plus there is a clarity and "straightness" about the whole thing ...

And then some: dynamics and willingness to expand are in a new league :)

Mind you - I do not ascribe all of the above to the Ground Sound filters. It is more that now, finally, the NAKSAs can really show what they can do! I now for a fact that using four (4) NAKSA 100s to drive the bass sections was the right choice. They kick a** (pardon my French) :hypno2:

I do still have a residual "snarl", but this was there before as well. It is caused by some minor hum loop in my GK-1R, but since I will (soon?) get my GK2, I won't spend time rectifying it until I take the preamp apart anyway. When I get the GK2, I will make it into an "R" version, using the remote stuff from the GK-1. I'm going to use the GK-1 in another system - no way I'm parting with that beauty ;)


I have sent this pic of the system to Hugh (via his family) and hope it will bring smiles ...

But - no reason to cheat you guys of a nice pic ;)




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When I grow up I want a system just like yours! :D

Nice job mate!


Thank you!

Just for those who may not have read the entire thread - the speakers are active, powered by 4 x NAKSA 100 and 2 x NAKSA 70. Amps are on the back of the speakers and not visible in the pic.

The middle cupboard in the pic contains a GK-1R preamp, a heavily modded Oppo BDP-83SE and an old Denon tuner. Preamp and player can be remotely controlled (Logitech RF system) with doors closed.

Speaker x-overs are Ground Sound DCN24 digital x-overs/equalizer units.

I am not finished doing the wiring - everything will be put into neat cable tunnels ;)


I guess it is time for an update, as things have been happening here!

After I got everything up and running in active mode quite a while back, I waited for quite a bit before making any further changes - just listening to the system and "getting to know" it again ;)

But then - enter the GK-2! That made a serious difference - again :D

The GK-2 is so transparent and so musical that it redefined everything!

Finally, I have recently replaced the relatively cheap microphone cables running from the the GK-2 to the speakers (the xover units are inside the speakers) with a couple of custom made (by me) interconnects consisting of braided Mundorf silver/gold wiring. This again made a difference, especially at the top end and on "spaciousness" - but nothing near the difference that the GK-2 made ;)

Currently, I am working on optimising the xover settings, incorporating the final room compensation into those. I am trying out various filtering settings to ensure I use the settings that are optimal in my setup. I am using both measurements and listening tests to determine this.

Fortunately, this work does not prevent me from listening to my system and enjoy some good music! And I have had many experiences with well-known recordings where the upgraded system suddenly revealed previously unheard detail and fineness :)

Next step on the enclosures is to get the electronics on the back covered up, and I am currently discussing options with my metal-working friend.

Oh - and the NAKSAs? They are doing a darn good job! There is so much power in those babies when connected in 'direct' mode to the drivers that it sometimes gets scary!


Now with NAKSA 80s!

High time that I gave a status on the system, which has been improved substantially since my last post here :)

The following improvements have been implemented:

  • The stock volume motor pot from the GK-1R (a Panasonic, which was really good) has been replaced with a TKD motor pot. A very worthwhile replacement, as the TKD is more precise and has greater clarity/details - and the GK-2 deserves the best! ;)
  • The NAKSA 70s have been replaced with the new NAKSA 80s! Wow - that was an eye-opener! The NAKSA 80s are simply in another league - the world class league :D I have already posted my impressions of this phenomenal amp in the NAKSA 80 thread and can only confirm yet again what I wrote there: The NAKSA 80 delivers music!
  • Finally, I have replaced my modded Oppo BDP-83SE with a Oppo BDP-105 JLTI Level 3 (also a seriously modded machine) to ensure that I can feed the rest of the system with a true high-quality signal!
The total system now delivers a true musical experience, and live recordings take on entirely new dimensions. Even recordings that I previous thought a bit dull seem to spring to life. It is my belief that this would not have been possible without the NAKSAs - so Hugh, once again thank you for giving us these wonderful products :)

A final note: the covers to cover up the electronics on the back of the speakers are now being made, and I am eagerly awaiting news about them ...


Rear covers in the making

An update:

Music is still flowing beautifully from the amps/speakers :)

And finally, things are happening with the rear covers. It took a very long time to get some of the bends made, because the guy with the machine to do them was extremely busy.

The covers still need to get painted, but I snapped a few photos when we made the trial-fitting.




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At my age, and looking back at serious illness in 2012, I wonder about a life, and what I have done. I suspect everyone thinks about this, the fact is, most of us accept that we have not done as much as we should have.

After a career in the military and then seven years in the IT industry, designing amps is something I know now I should have started in my twenties. I really this has been a worthwhile pursuit, and a wonderful intellectual challenge and building skill. Over a few years the criticisms has stung, but now I realise ridicule probably means you have done something so wacky and different that the conventionalists are convinced you are mad. I don't mind that now, and I am buoyed by Jens' testimonials that he derives so much pleasure from his system - and this really boosts my mood!

I am still designing and listening amps, my latest attempts, with Paul and Steve, have been VERY successful in auditions. I'm jubilant with the results.......

Happy New Year, Jens, and to to everyone reading here.


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Rear covers now installed!

After getting the rear covers back from the painter, they have now been installed on the speakes ;)

Doesn't look half bad, if I may say so myself. I have attached a few shots of the final result :)




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A beautiful room, lovely speakers and nice CD library. So much nicer than my rumpus room, which is full of prototypes and boxes of components........

Are you happy with the sound quality?


Hi Hugh,

Thank you for the nice words :)

The room is our living room, so a certain standard is required, both by myself and my wife. But we are pretty satisfied with the looks and the atmosphere in the room.

Am I happy with the sound quality? Are you crazy? I am overjoyed!!! My system has never sounded better! Those NAKSA amps are just fantastic :D

You know - every time I make a change to some other part of the system (other than the NAKSAs), I can hear it immediately! The NAKSAs simply follow through every time. These amps are simply so lucid, engaging and musical that it is hard to believe that it is possible, and yet they keep doing this thing, creating this huge soundstage (when recordings allow it), offering so much detail and timing to create a great illusion of being there.

I've said it before, but I do not mind saying it again: What a great job you have done, Hugh! :D :cheers:

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