The Weather

We just had 15cm of snow, and Belgium was in a total chaos. I can drive trough it, and had little problems but all busses and most trains in the southern part of Belgium (the part afflicted) were cancelled an traffic went to a standstill with over 1500km of traffic jams on highways alone. Mainly because many Belgiums refuse to use winter tires and can't drive in snow.

But salvation is coming, Sunday the next rainstorm is here. And if there is one thing that Belgians know well, it's rainstorms...
Not really my norrtherly friend.
It's just the old shaky hands that keep hitting the return button by accident.
When I wax poetic these days, it usually involves hair removal.

Hope all is well with you and yours and you are able to get through another winter.
So you can build new speakers in the spring.
Speakers that will remind you of the Beatles.
As you will be using Norwegian Wood.

Cheers, man.
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The winter is no issue, the lack of available hours per day may cause me to reach for a tissue (or perhaps two...)
Speaker parts abound, but no time to make them sound.
My wood even if perhaps somewhat finite, is indeed Norwegian, though there be no beetles in it.
The studies are progressing at a varying rate, and some of the classes are not possible to hate.
Having gained entry into a board, even if mostly good is striking a slight note of discord.
My full time day job is demanding a fair bit of evening time, when I'd rather enjoy some beverage with a slice of lime.
On the side a mans small business, running at about 40% workload producing solutions with finesse.
Getting rid of some 30 cm of snow now and again, and a bit of ice outside does not cause concern.
I am in what is considered the "Deep South" in the US.

Going down to -11C tonight, -18 tomorrow night.

Lots of plants will die. I brought in my pots of Hydrangeas in the hope they have not already passed.

I canned 17 Pints of Collard greens a couple days ago because they froze.

Y'all take care and keep warm.
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The winter has been very good here in central Finland. Lots of rain in the autumn, then steady freezing temp and lots of snow since late October. Feels like in the good old days!

My house is 180m2 in two stories. Heating is with air-water heat pump and pipe line in the floor. Air venting has heat conductor. Electricity consumption varies mostly on outdoor temp. an hout basis sauna owwen takes 8kW tyically for 2 hours and PHEV charging 6kW/h for 3 hours. My billing is based on market price which varies from -2 to 200cents per kWh. Night time is cheapest. In January price junped to 200cents when outdoor temp was -33C and no wind. Average temp and price can be seen in the graph. I must also pay the local electricity network operator a fixed transit price per kWh.

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