Thread notifier suddenly stopped... no emails

Joined 2007
Paid Member
I just tried the email address you have logged with us using an on line checker and it does say it is valid.

I'll flirt you an email as a test.

(do you have another email address you could use for the forum?)


  • Annotation 2019-06-20 080435.jpg
    Annotation 2019-06-20 080435.jpg
    59.1 KB · Views: 169
Joined 2014
Paid Member
Thanks Mooly.
I did change my email (the one you tested) linked with DIYA and all works fine now. I’m getting my notifications again.
What’s concerning me now is my previous email comes up as “Unknown”. I’ll have to investigate what’s going on with that :confused:.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Hi Jason,
I have not recieved any emails from DiyA for several months
Please help solve this situation.

On April 15th your mail host replied "Address Rejected" and your email address was added to the suppression list.

I have removed it from the suppression list. You should see emails come through now, and please (1) add the previously mentioned email addresses to your contact book, (2) mark all our emails as "not spam"...
Some Email providers can be a PITA to get whitelisted, mostly I have seen the worst are internet providers and they have very poor communication options..

Earthlink AOL ATT and bellsouth come to mind . I have had few problems with Gmail and Yahoo. I also have been very proactive at removing bounced emails and deleting registrations that appear to be non genuine , that part is easier as a local interest site, but inactive registrations can create a heavy load on the email server that may appear to be mass mailings and cause impedance to delivery by zealous (and lazy) SMTP server's admin team.

A lot of VB's inherent problems have been eliminated in Xenforo, I had my license for 8 years before i converted because I was apprehensive after the disaster that moving from 3.84 to 4.0 caused. And it was just in the 2.0 version that tables converted (and I use them a lot on my private forum which I use for keeping notes and research. But my server is much happier (and cheaper) nowadays with the efficiency of xen's basic package that eliminated the need for many add ons.
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Hi. I hear you! Hopefully we will be on XF soon.

But actually we mitigate this issue currently by using SparkPost (and Mailgun), which have automatic suppression lists that stop further emailing in the event of a bounce or spam SNS notification.

Is is these suppression lists that are causing the issues mentioned in the last 12 months of this thread. It is also these suppressions that mean we don't get blacklisted for sending emails to dead email addresses.

Right now we are treading a conservative route using this method/philosophy, given the lack of bounce intelligence in vB.

Nice to hear your feedback on XF. I have the site running locally on XF2.1 right now, working on the skin and mods as we speak.
Oh , fantastic, PM me if you want to see my site , especially if you want to see what a little effort at the server level allows on the media gallery. using a godaddy cpanel. my gallery from 3.84 survived the ?"upgrade to 4.2"? But it really went scrambled moving to xf. it wasn't a major problem because it and groups got used a little and then not so much. so I wiped it. And the new xf I set up the image processing that can't be officially supported by cpanel, so I can host all forms of webm ogg mp4 and a slew of modern efficiant compression. I also quite some time ago imported external hosted images and automatically grabbed all future pictures that were hot linked. xf 2 does that sort of cache and url unfurl native.

Holler if I can be of assistance, I would like it very much if you fell in love with my easy on the eyes skin, I'll be glad to send you a copy .
Joined 2010
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I seemed to have lost a lot of threads that xrk971 has posted. The Yarra threads, the slb threads, the rtr threads, etc have all disappeared from my forum pages. I have gone back to August 28, 2019,where I find the thread "AKSA-Lender P-Mos Hybrid amplifier. This is the first thread I find referenced to xrk971 works. So it seems I have lost a lot.

Maybe some members that follow these threads, can post something, so I can see if it shows up on my forum page. I may be able to recover lost information this way.

Thanks for the help.

Joined 2007
Paid Member
I get email notifications just fine via gmail. Is there a way to be alerted that a post I've made has been quoted or if a post that I start has a response? I'm not seeing that working. So far, I have to go to a post I've started and check it.

Goto 'User CP' at the top of the page and select 'Subscribed Threads' where you will see if any have outstanding unread replies.

Only threads that are in this list generate responses, and if the person responding happens to be under moderation (such as a newbie ;)) then their post won't trigger the email notifier.