Transporting Video Signal Over Optical Fiber

Hello Everyone,

I have stumbled upon an issue while doing an application. In this application there is an existing multimode fiber which is installed. We will be using Sony PXW-Z90 and QuestTel's optical extenders. My application exceeds a one kilometer distance which is not supported by multimode fiber. Since changing multimode to singlemode fiber is not an option, I would like to know if there is an option that exists that doesn't require me to change the existing infrastructure to boost the optical signal.

I am truly looking forward to a good response,
You're wanting to send an SDI signal? If so, conversion to ethernet may be an option. I work with IP video and rarely have anything to do with fiber but will reach out to a colleague early next week if you haven't found a solution. Seems to me that MM fiber connections to a mile or more are used in the industry.
@JohnMoore1000 Happy to help if I can, but I do want to emphasize that my knowledge on the subject is peripheral at best. In surveillance virtually everything is IP network based and the H.265 codec is widely used. It's significantly higher compression rate vs h.264 coupled with relatively inexpensive wireless bridges or having a suitable fiber connection provided by the clients IT dept mark the extent of my experience.
I did a quick search to make sure that my memory wasn't too faulty and ethernet over multimode fiber at distances up to ~ 1 2 miles is a reality.
SDI>ethernet adapter >ethernet to Mmf adapter and back again are doable but whether or not it will meet your bandwidth needs is unanswered.
What is your application if you don't mind me asking ? Is the goal to have Audio/video @ broadcast quaulity?
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