UE22 on Pioneer VSX921

Hello audio enthusiasts!

Happy new year 2024.

I hope this post finds you well. I'm reaching out today as I'm currently grappling with a rather tricky issue concerning my Pioneer VSX-921 amplifier. I've recently encountered the dreaded UE22 error code, and after consulting with several repair professionals, the proposed repair bill is reaching double the cost of the amplifier itself.

After doing some research, it appears that the issue lies with the "Texas Instruments DTS chip." My goal today is to seek your expertise and gather experiences regarding the feasibility of fixing this myself. Fortunately, I possess soldering and component replacement skills, but I am aware that the level of complexity can vary.

So, I would like to inquire if any of you have attempted a successful self-replacement of this chip. Are there any tips, tricks, or precautions you could share? I am open to any insights that might aid me in this endeavor.

Furthermore, if you have suggestions on where I could procure the "Texas Instruments DTS chip" or even the entire board it sits on, I would be immensely grateful. Could you provide an estimate of the price range I might expect?

I am confident that together, by sharing our knowledge and experiences, we could find an affordable and practical solution to address this issue. Thank you in advance for your invaluable assistance!

Another point: if you have the latest firmaware version I would be luck if you share it with me.

Looking forward to your informed advice,

Its a disgrace that Pioneer will not fix this. I will not use them to replace this . I notice a VSX 535 amp is now available at £349 on some websites , my Pioneer repairer said that EU22 (and now mine is saying EU33 ) could be any one of a number of faults. But the chip is suspect number one. prior to the total collapse the unit when played at a party stated cutting out volume in play , probably over heating. On Your Tube one guy recommends attaching a heat sink to the chip. I will update on likely repair costs. Looking at it removing and replacing the chip is a very detailed and ultra small multi connection soldering job , unlikely DIY .
Hello Stevie A

I fully understand your disappointment. It is indeed frustrating to see a brand that one respects not responding satisfactorily to the issues faced by its customers. Comparing alternatives such as Denon and Yamaha amplifiers seems to be a prudent step, as these are reputable brands known for their reliability and customer service.

Regarding the TI chip I found on eBay, it is understandable that its high cost may discourage proceeding with the repair, especially if it does not guarantee a complete resolution of the issue. It's regrettable to have to consider discarding my VSX921, even though it is no longer functional.

Feel free to share your experiences with Denon and Yamaha amplifiers if you have any feedback. Good luck in your search for a new audio equipment that is reliable and high-performing. Thank you for your kind comment.
