What Ya Bringing to Burning Amp 2018?

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Editor's note: For BAF 2019 please go here:
Burning Amp 2019!!!
End Editors note

Hello everyone, please post what you plan to demo at Burning Amp 2018. Also please bring a written description of your system, so if you are not present others can read about your system. You can also bring uncompleted projects. Please bring your own power strips, power cords, extension cords, interconnects, and speaker wires.

I will be demonstrating a Bottlehead Submissive passive preamp, a pair of 6973 mono blocks, Allison CD-6 speakers and DIY interconnects. I will also have my Bottlehead SEX amplifier and a Bottlehead Quickie battery powered preamp for anyone who needs them. I will also be bringing my semi famous chocolate chip cookies. If nobody needs the SEX amp I will have a headphone setup.

I have be asked to coordinate the play schedule like I did last year. As we did last year we will have a mix and match session. Looking forward to the show, this will be my fifth show.

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I'll be bringing the flea amplifier, and maybe the Vifa TC9FD foamcore karlsonators. Likely to be driven off of a cellphone (and maybe an external budget DAC) like a downright plebeian!

I'm not into fancy interconnects but if anybody has any to demo let me know (this amplifier takes basic RCA inputs, and typical binding post outputs) and we can try them out-


It's a killer budget setup that has proven itself a real giant-killer, at all of 1.2W output :)

I'll also bring some PCBs along too.
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If I have room in my Outback after stuffing it with a very generous load of raffle donation stuff, I'll bring a couple things I've finished since the last BAF: Pioneer BOFU BR cabinet w/ adjustable tweeter and, Sea Loki MKIII coaxial in a butcher block BR cabinet.

What about everyone else? ...let's hear it!
OK - in the works are two amp/preamp pairs, one utilizing vacuum state (with some nasty sand), and one solid state. Each preamp has an RIAA and line amp. I may also bring a discrete Class A headphone amp, even if I end up running it off of a bench supply. I would like to hear how it pairs with some fancy-pants headphones. So far I've only been able to listen with a pair of Sennheiser HD598 and AKG 240 Studio phones. I'll bring CD and (if I can cram it in) a phone source. I may also bring my tired old Parts Express Tri-Trix speakers.
Since we'll be in the family SUV, I may bring along an additional project, my 6N2P/6CW5 rig. All toroidal iron. Haven't run it through any rigorous testing, but it sounds great, and makes a good 20~25 watts. Nice budget build.


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I'm planning on lugging a pair of tube monoblocks - provided, of course, that I can pack them in my carry on luggage. I'm pretty creative when it comes to packing for trips (I brought a stereo tube amp last year with no issues).

Lingwendil: I'm looking forward to seeing your builds, as I've been following them with much interest over the past several months. And I used to own one of those exact same RCA radios. One of my friends said "It's so aesthetically hideous, it's cool!" :D
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Hey, so the thing I'll be itching to show off is the computer active xo / DSP thing I made. So I'll bring a laptop and a kind of janky but small 7.1 ch out USB dac. In order to support that I'll bring some active only 2-ways (Peerless / Tymphany TC9FD18 + 830656 with dayton PR), 6 ch amp - sure board based, and an A&K 120 ii source. I'll probably bring along some headphones also. Maybe a sub if there's still space in the car, a Foster 10" from Jack Hidley's old stock. Oh, and an ipad RTA with one of those little dayton measurement mics for checking out what's going on in the room.

If my cheap-o sound card gives anyone the heebie-jeebies, I'd be happy to sub in the totally sweet 6+ ch sound interface you happened to bring! I haven't actually bought a nice one yet...

+ stands, cords, plugs, wires, and almost assured to forget some crucial bit. =P

Anyone gonna bring a whammy amp? I bought a board for one but haven't built it yet.
I used to use OSH park, and liked the deep purple mask and the gold plate. I found, however, that the faster delivery time and cheaper price for PCBWay overbalanced the plain green solder mask and plain solder plate. When/if I go commercial, I may change my mind on the mask color.
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