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Paypal is a service used to send money, Typically from an E-mail to another E-mail address. is a part of ebay, however its not restricted to ebay related purposes.

The basics of paypal are this:

(A need to send money is established by one of a few ways,
A: They ask you for money, in person, in an email or on the phone (all of these are assuming they know this information)
B: You purchase a product with them and they use paypal to manage and collect the money.
C: You owe somebody and want to send them money, or you just want to give somebody a donation.)
D: The payment is fast. It is a matter of seconds or minutes.
E: Fees or very low to transfer to your own bank.

Notice one thing though, take fees which aren't "small". Take this into account when you use payapal. Surf to paypal to get information about how much those fees are.

You can't use paypal from every country in the whole world. Check at which countries they approve.

In addition to the U.S., PayPal is now available in the following countries:

Users in some of these countries are limited to sending money with their PayPal accounts. They may not receive payments. Check the original page for info.

Now having established that.

You goto the site, now if you dont have an account you will be asked to sign up (and if you were referd there by a buisness (online or otherwise) chances are they will have you sent to a page that will quickly let you get this information filled out)

Next, paypal will ask you (because you dont have anymoney in your new paypal account) for bank information, credit/debit card information, etc ( is secure, make sure your at, more might be there but make sure it says https and that it is if its thats NOT PAYPALS SITE!(only use and the https means 'secure http', actually it means 'http secure')

Then you can pay your bill, your friend, etc

If you have any questions just look for places to ask for help, as I'm not an authorized spokesperson of if you have any question or comments goto and inquire there, they will answer any of your questions.

Thank you for reading this and have a good day!