10th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2013

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That was me. Here's a pic of the speakers that were playing. I don't think anyone got a shot of them at the fest as it was after dark when they were going.

OK, right. And there was commentary about the special (limited edition/availability)woofer. Can you tell us about that? I remember that the bass seemed extended(with the usual considerations for size of box and driver), and tight. And the sound seemed natural, all especially considering that it was being powered by a truly miniscule amp on-board the mini-DSP.

Naturally if this is a commercial prototype, or I am being too snoopy, feel right to with hold on to the details, but I was wondering: Was there an advantage to using twin, smaller, ports, instead of one larger one? What type of tweeter? What crossover point seems to work the best?

I do remember Kyle explaining to me how the mini DSP allowed one to set crossover points while connected to a computer, and the crossover points are retained -so that the miniDSP, with it's on board amp, is a two way electronic crossover and 4 channel amp that fits in the palm of one's hand.
Ruth has forwarded some pics for me to sort through and post.

John with his imposing amp and Gregg the Geek.


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1. The judges from God's point of view.
2. Looking at the dog, I'm guessing Chris chose the music.
3. Mathew and Gregg discussing audio while I tell Scott how I finally got the lid off the pickle jar.
4. Stuff.


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Howard, the minidsp is available through minidsp.com and they have a sub forum on this site. It's a fantastic product. As you heard. I use mine so much I wish I had a second one. Kyle has his running all digital which is pretty interesting. Hopefully he can tell us more. Its really a great way to go when crossing down below 800hz. You can use really steep slopes without the need for expensive inductors and capacitors!!
1. The top speakers have that great little 126 midbass from CSS along with their tweeter in a curved side box. Don't tell Bob those are sitting in my living room or he might want them back.
2. Kyle ready for a fishin' trip.
3. Jonathan Frakes' son, a wise man, and two naked apes.


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1. No comment.
2. International relations.
3. Scottie with his Alpair winnings.
4. Fleming with his big prize. Yes, he gets the drivers to fill the holes as well.
5. Ryan and his Mark Audio drivers.
6. Howard and his two nice white boxes. No telling what might be in them.
7. Scott farting on Kyle and Dave putting a finger gun to his head.


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Terry with his one and only prize this year. Donated by someone sitting behind him. I am thinking this was CSS Bob. Nice super tweeters Terry. Are you young enough to hear them?

Cal is correct. Bob actually won the tweeters, but gave them to me.

This year, I actually didn't win anything. I don't know if it was the tears or the incessant sobbing, bubbering and wailing that moved Bob to try to shut me up.

All kidding aside...Thank you Bob, I appreciate it!
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Hi Howard, thank you for the kind words. No secrets on the drivers. The woofer was is an EL166 that Mark audio built for Bob at CSS. These are sold out and I won a set last year at the fest. Dave did his treatment on it as part of the prize. The mid-tweet is a tang band w3-881 that PE had on a buyout. The sound was definitely changed by being outdoors. The mods and highs were well below what I heard in my garage.

The miniDSP makes it really easy for me to fiddle around given my utter lack of knowledge on crossover design.

Hopefully I can continue to improve it over the next few months. The glue might have still been wet it spots I was running so late on building them!

6. Howard and his two nice white boxes. No telling what might be in them.

those are the great little Planet10 85wKeN drivers that I picked from the raffle prizes.( I think that I said somewhere already that) I want to use them with an 8" silver flute woofer crossed at about 300hz. I have some cool, vintage, 15 liter walnut boxes, that were R-shack mc1000's, that will be like big bros to my solo103s.
Would be ultra cool to use a minidsp and bi-amp the new system.
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