11th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2014

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You camping spot is fine (i need to get someone to take the weedwacker to it)


No problem Dave . . . I was referring to the threat of Cal's "big boys" playing down below. :D

I'll just try to remember to bring my air mattress. Hopefully the religious experiences will stay in the Love Castle. :p


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Yes, I'm coming!

Hi all.
I have emerged from the wilds of darkest unemployment and am back in the land of living, breathing diy-crazies :D

I will be attending this year's get-together. Looking forward to it.
I won't be bringing any gear this time. Living in a little urban apartment doesn't leave much room for parts, tools or a workbench. All good tho' - I get to spend more time listening to the stuff all of you are bringing.

I am heading over on Friday afternoon from the big city to help Dave and Ruth with the final prep. Sorry all - no salmon this year :(

Anyway, see you all there

Looks like TerryO, the 200% Norske and I will be attending again to represent the Seattle arm of the club.

Dave, any chance you can install a locking gate in time? I know a welder if need be. John, he's fine but those other two? They are more trouble that those brothers from another mother as far as I remember.
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