12th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2015

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Vancouver vinyl stores:
Vinyl on hastings near Cambie
Zulu Records on 4th Ave
Red Cat on Main street
Neptoon Records on Main street
Sikora's Classical and Beatstreet (hip-hop/techno/funk) are both on Hastings near Richards
Audiopile on Commercial drive

Turns out Sikora's is less than one block from my hotel. Found some great new vinyl there. Even London Drugs carries new vinyl. Taking advantage of the USD-CAD exchange rate. Also visited Vinyl Records and Beat Street nearby. Thanks again for the recommendations.
Sure I'd love to bring big Tony, I volunteered way back in this thread. I am just hoping I get there early enough on Saturday as he only has one day. It might be better for someone already there. Either way, let me know, the offer's certainly there. :)

Thanks for the offer, Cal. Much appreciated.

Not be there early enough? Have you mellowed from your ritual of catching the 6 AM or whatever it was ferry?

Even if someone else gives me a lift or I catch a cab, I would certainly appreciate some beer space in your big cooler when I get there!
In Cal-speak that cooler or two would be "day-trippers" - the joke is that taken together Cal and Scott have been known to recycle a lot of beer, while "others of us" abuse ourselves with wine and harder spirits - Bourbon, Vodka, Tequila and not necessarily separately or in moderation :eek:

so in other words, ensure your own supplies
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